How to get away from a man?

Find your prince on the first attempt to a small number of lucky beggars, but all the rest have repeatedly pass through parting with a once-beloved person. Let's figure out how to get away from the man (it does not matter whether he is married or not), because few people want to throw scenes from his balcony.

How to get away from a man?

Situations are different, someone thinks about how to get away from a married man, someone wants to end the relationship beautifully, but for all cases there are basic rules that should be respected at parting. Of course, if it comes to ending the relationship because of drunkenness, assault, then these tips will not help here.

  1. The main rule is to be honest, we do not need these tricks "we have to live separately", "let's think about our relations", etc. By this you will only give cause for long calls, incessant clarification of relations. If you already decided to leave, then speak directly and without blushing. No need to invent various pretexts, like "you're too good for me," except for a schoolboy who can believe such excuses.
  2. Inform about your decision personally, no emails, calls and SMS. Give the opportunity to your now-former to speak out, do not spoil the relationship, you may have to cross it again and ask for help. And this person is not a stranger to you, if there is no love, show at least respect.
  3. Try to choose a good time for a conversation. It is not necessary to appoint it for the day when you feel bad or the man so the problems of the car. But time to talk to some festive event is also not worth it, you need a neutral day.
  4. Deciding to leave a man, do not discuss your decision with your friends and his friends. First, find out everything among themselves, and only then bring the news to the court of the public.

Why do women leave men?

When you need to leave the man, everyone decides for herself, but that's what pushes women to be the initiator of the gap - a constant search for the ideal or something else, why do women leave men?

The reasons can be called mass: bad habits of a loved one, infidelity, misunderstanding, jealousy, lack of love, etc. But in fact, all these reasons can be expressed in one sentence: a woman leaves a man when something does not suit her in a relationship. For the time being, one can tolerate one's dissatisfaction, but when it reaches a critical point, relations end.