Women's power

What is the male power - everyone knows, but what is the mysterious female power? Some argue that the power of women - in beauty and fragility, others - in softness and understanding, the third - in the ability to magic and intuition ... at present there is no single notion of what really includes the power of the feminine gender, but if you consider all the popular assumptions, you can add up the overall picture.

The Mystery of Women's Power

Since ancient times, life has decreed that the women's path and female power are different from men's. Where a man wins a physical victory, a woman can take by cunning; where a man wins rudeness, a woman will use persuasion and arguments. And we can not say that in today's world, a woman has to give in to a man: not wanting to offend his ego, she acts gently and cautiously, often acting as a "gray cardinal" in a relationship.

The strength of the female soul is its flexibility, softness and ability to give in something, but in something to stand on its own. After all, it is so, gently and imperceptibly, it is able to achieve anything, anything in the severe male world.

In general, women's wisdom and power are closely related concepts. A wise woman will not try to achieve her typically male methods - screaming, force, pressing. She will choose a soft, flexible way.

Development of female power

In the question of how to develop women's strength, it is important to be consistent and calm. The secret of female power is too deep to comprehend it quickly. You need to start with small changes in yourself:

  1. The source of female power is patience and soft perseverance! Remember this. In the development of these qualities yoga classes can help you.
  2. Get used to never under any circumstances scream and do not break.
  3. Do not use rude words and curses.
  4. Listen carefully to the interlocutor and get used to work with arguments.
  5. In any situation, try not to prove your case, but avoid conflict. This will allow to establish such contacts with people, in which it will be much easier to find supporters.

Women's power and energy is often associated with beauty. Indeed, people are more willing to give up to a beautiful person and initially are more sympathetic towards him. That is why in the question of how to gain female power, one can not do without improving one's appearance. The more attractive you look, the stronger you are, especially with regard to men.