Burnt sugar from a child's cough

Coughing is one of the characteristic signs of colds. For the treatment of cough in children, many medications have been developed, but parents often prefer to treat the baby folk remedies, based on natural ingredients. Many mothers give burnt sugar from coughing to a child. Our grandmothers also treated their children in the same way, so you can say without any doubt that the recipe has been tested for years. In addition, the product has a taste that all children like without exception.

How to cook the burnt sugar?

The recipe for cooking burnt sugar from a cough is simple. In a tablespoon, half the sugar is collected, the sugar is leveled, and the spoon is held over an open, lightly burning fire until a light brown syrup forms. After that, the melted sugar is poured into a glass filled with half-warm milk, and dissolves. If the child does not drink milk, then you can dilute the resulting syrup in half a glass of boiled water. The resulting sweet potion can be given to a child 3 times a day.

Even more effective is the remedy, if you add the juice of a small onion or half a lemon. Burned sugar blocks coughing attacks for a while, and when you use the healing mixture for several days, the baby stops coughing at all.

Burnt sugar - possible harm

There are no contraindications to the use of burnt sugar, except for diabetes. But it should be remembered that the treatment with sugar is indicated with a dry cough , which usually accompanies laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis, when the child can not clear his throat. Due to the properties of the syrup from the burned sugar, the cough turns into a moist form. With a damp cough from the nasopharynx and respiratory system organs, microbes and dead cells of the mucous epithelium are removed, so a wet cough is a harbinger of an early recovery.