How to get rid of envy?

No man is born envious, but always in his life we ​​are faced with the fact that either someone envies us, or we envy someone, sometimes without noticing it. So, let's try to understand what the nature of the emergence of envy, what it is and how to get rid of envy.

The origin of

Envy is a negative feeling, which is characterized by vexation, irritation, hostility, dislike.

A person becomes envious in the process of his mental development. Even when a person is still a baby, envy can have its roots in it. For example, when parents always point out the positive side of a neighbor's boy, but do it so clumsily, cause envy of their own child instead of a healthy sense of competition. The most paradoxical thing is that without knowing the true reasons, parents try to understand how to help their child get rid of a feeling of envy.

Instead of an impulse that promotes the emergence of positive actions, the child splashes out or, worse, restrains the first negative emotions and feelings. As a man grows up, time fixes this reaction to comparison, but not to his own advantage, as a result of which, it takes the dominant position. This distorts the reality, the true perception of the world.

Reasons for envy

The reasons for envy can be the external virtues of other people (health, wealth, talent, beauty, intelligence, etc.), as well as details of external attributes, personal relationships (often this kind of envy is found among women).

Not all people are self-sufficient, because of what they can not, so as not to compare themselves with others. As you know, comparing yourself with others is the first reason for the appearance of envy.

The feeling of envy has its existence at all levels of both spiritual development and the social position of man.

How to get rid of people's envy?

First of all, you need to eradicate the feeling of jealousy from yourself.

  1. In the case when you realize that you are beginning to envy some qualities, things, etc., which you do not have, remember that almost 90% of the wrapper does not correspond to the inner content of the candy. The worse the product, the brighter the wrapper.
  2. If you begin to pull on a blanket ("I studied with her at the institute," "grew up in one yard"), understand that it is necessary to understand the external and internal differences between you and your friends. You are an individual.
  3. Initially, a person identifies, and then begins to evaluate. When you find a discrepancy that is in your favor, you are immensely proud, and if on the contrary - jealous, be angry. Learn to appreciate yourself. Increase your self-esteem. Statistics say that 85% of envious people have low self-esteem. Drop your pride. Understand your place in life.
  4. Develop a panoramic vision. When you see that there are many people who dream of becoming like you, you will understand how to get rid of the envy of others.

How to get rid of someone else's envy?

Almost every person faced envy in his address from others, and in that there is no problem. This is the headache of envious people, weak people who are not able to bring happiness to their own lives. In order for you to understand how to get rid of black envy, learn unconditional love. And all other actions are just local actions, then everything depends on the situation. You are able to control your emotions, caused by the envy of others. But for this you need to understand the reasons for their true occurrence. When you learn this, you can, for example, not contact hypocritical people, etc.

So, envy is a bad feeling. Immediately, when you realized that you are jealous, try to get rid of this feeling, do not litter their inner world.