
The most famous lethargic dream is a fairy tale about a sleeping beauty who woke up from the kiss of her prince. To give such an example is ridiculous and to laugh at such a terrible disease wildly - but what to do if science does not go beyond storytellers. To date, the etiology of lethargic sleep has not been studied, so there are no explanations or instructions for preventive measures of this condition.

A lethargic dream resembles a deep sleep - it is with a mild disease, and in strong stages, the sleeper becomes like a dead person.

Moreover, stories that this condition is harmless to a person is a lie. With lethargy, all body functions are slowed down, including metabolism , as well as the work of the myocardium. A person does not take food independently and does not drink, respectively, there is no excretion of urine and feces.

What is a lethargic dream is trying to unravel for not the first century. It was Petrarch who fell into lethargy. Fortunately, he managed to "wake up" in time, and to live another 30 years.

Causes of a lethargic sleep

The causes of lethargic sleep, like everything else, are just hypotheses. For example, most scientists agree that stress is caused by many people falling into a state of shock in a state of shock, after losing close or strong quarrels, and their bodies, doctors say, failing to cope with stress, have included a protective lock-lethargy.

A case is known when a three-year-old girl fell into lethargy after her parents died in a car accident. She slept for 13 years and woke up as a 20-year-old girl. Her mental development remained the same - waking up, she asked for her toys, but fortunately she successfully catch up.

Another cause of lethargy is considered to be viruses. This could explain the epidemic of lethargy that arose in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. Some scientists believe in all the fault staphylococcus , known to us by angina. They say he can mutate and move to the brain, hitting his tissues. The version is not confirmed, but it can lead to more responsible treatment of angina.

Symptoms of a lethargic sleep

Symptoms of lethargic sleep are individual - it all depends on the state in which a person fell into lethargy. In a word, the signs of life are barely expressed:

A sign that appears after the exit from a lethargic sleep may be loss of memory, mental retardation (if a person falls into lethargy in an underdeveloped, childish age). This means that after awakening a person may lose his capacity for work, he will need to learn everything again.

Treatment of a lethargic sleep

Lethargic sleep does not involve treatment. The patient does not need to be hospitalized, he remains at home, among relatives and friends. There is no need for medicines - food and water, vitamins, they inject it in a dissolved form.

The most important thing in this state is care, which relatives must carry out. This and hygienic procedures, and adherence to the temperature regime - warm with warm blankets, or, conversely, change to light blankets in the heat.

The patient should be in a separate room, so that he is not disturbed by the surrounding noise - most of those who have come out of a lethargic sleep say they heard everything, but could not answer.

Any action in the care of a patient should be considered by a doctor - it is a very unusual disease, poorly understood and incomprehensible even to the scientific world, so even the smallest care such as temperature, environment, lighting, should be taken into account.