Consequences of lack of sleep

Sleep is a unique means of reviving the body's mental and physical powers. In today's world, to make a career and earn money, a person is forced to significantly reduce the time of sleep, and chronic lack of sleep has become a common thing. The need for rest in people is different, but there is a norm - from seven to eight hours of sleep, a shorter duration is considered a lack of sleep.

The causes of lack of sleep can be divided into two types:

Symptoms of lack of sleep

Many do not know what leads to and the danger of lack of sleep. It may seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but lack of sleep has a wide range of negative consequences that go beyond the usual daytime drowsiness.

What threatens a constant lack of sleep?

Chronic lack of sleep can lead to hypertension and narcolepsy. The big harm from lack of sleep is that the immune system is under threat, which does not receive the necessary rest, which increases the likelihood of all sorts of diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. It is known that the constant lack of sleep reduces the life of a person.

There is an opinion that women are more prone to negative consequences of lack of sleep than men.

How to deal with lack of sleep?

  1. Create your ritual of falling asleep (before bedtime create a repetitive sequence of actions, choose the time when you will go to bed, and observe it).
  2. Enter at least the minimum physical activity throughout the day.
  3. Do not drink beverages containing caffeine five hours before bedtime.
  4. Supper should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Reduce fluid intake before bedtime.
  6. Gradually reduce your activity by evening.
  7. If at night you have difficulty falling asleep and sleep during the day, then to improve night sleep you need to exclude the daytime sleep.
  8. Do not drink alcohol in the evening.
  9. Do not allow stress.
  10. For the whole day, do not use the sleeper as much as possible for purposes other than intimate life and sleep.
  11. Try to stay up until 23.00.
  12. Create for yourself comfortable conditions for sleep - well ventilate the room, turn off the light and other electrical appliances, you can use aromatic means, if you do not have to smell allergies.
  13. If you lie down, but can not go to sleep for a long time, you need to get up, do something, after a while you will want to sleep.

Take yourself more seriously to yourself and your health - take the time to rest and this will greatly increase your opportunities throughout the day. Good sleep to you!