Beespine - application

In folk medicine, almost all beekeeping products are used, but few know that the bees themselves represent the pharmacological value. The use of beeswax for medicinal purposes is not only justified, but necessary!

Features of the application of bee dolora

The second name for scum is scree. The life span of the bee is 20-30 days. Taurus insects in the summer almost do not accumulate in the apiary, but in the winter and spring, beekeepers manage to collect bees that are scattered around the beehive. Those collected in the winter are not consumed inside, since they contain a lot of bee venom and the products of the vital activity of insects, but the spring scum can be used not only for the preparation of ointments and compresses, but also for food. There are several ways to use beeswax:

Depending on the method by which the treatment is planned, the necessary remedy is prepared.

Indication for the use of bee undermine:

Recipes based on bee dolor

For the application of bee podmora in gynecology, alcoholic tincture should be prepared:

  1. Freshly picked shoe sift through a large sieve to remove debris, wax and fragments of bee corpuscles, which are poorly preserved. The scent of scree should be pleasant, the old scum with mold marks and decomposition can not be used.
  2. The resulting scree is placed in the oven and warmed for half an hour at a temperature of 40-50.
  3. Grind in a coffee grinder.
  4. Prepare the tincture from the calculation of 3 tablespoons of powder per 200 ml of medical alcohol.
  5. Place in a sealed container and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  6. Obtain the obtained tincture.

With female infertility, irregular menstrual cycle and other disorders of hormonal origin, take 5-6 drops infusion 2 times a day.

For the treatment of infections, vaginitis, mastopathy, you can grow 1 tablespoon of infusion in 50 ml of warm boiled water and use intermittently, having saturated the gauze swab.

With oncology, a decoction of beeswax was found. This preparation is prepared quite simply, but it should not be stored for longer than three days, so if you do not have the opportunity to regularly prepare a decoction, use the alcoholic infusion made according to the scheme suggested above.

Recipe for broth:

  1. Ready powder from bee humor in the amount of 1 tsp pour a glass of clean water.
  2. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Cover, cool.
  4. Strain the broth through gauze and take 2 tablespoons. spoon 3 times a day.

Such a decoction can be included in the therapy of hypertension , the use of beeswax showed itself in the treatment of problems with pressure brilliantly. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon the means with each food intake.

Chitin and bee venom, of which, for the most part, bee submarine, have high disinfection and wound healing properties. In addition, it is a wonderful natural anesthetic. Use the tool best in the form of a compress:

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of powder from a scree, pour 250 g of vegetable oil, add 1 tsp propolis.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, put it in a dark place for 3-6 days.
  3. Compress, soaked in oil, apply to the affected area for 20 minutes, repeat the procedure until complete cure.