How to get rid of unwanted hair?

Hair is the pride and beauty of every fair sex. But when undesirable hairs appear on the body, the woman has a single desire - to get rid of them as soon as possible.

The problem of unwanted hair is relevant for many women. Small and, at first glance, imperceptible hairs cause a lot of inconvenience. Already from adolescence, girls begin to think about how to get rid of unwanted hair. To date, there are many ways to remove unwanted hair forever or temporarily.


Electrolysis is one of the most effective and popular ways to get rid of unwanted hair. The procedure consists in the effect of current on each hair bulb, depriving it, thereby, the ability to re-germinate. Depending on the individual hormonal background of a woman, with the help of electrolysis, you can stop unwanted hair growth and get rid of them forever. Nevertheless, in some cases this procedure does not give a 100% effect.

Women who decide on electrolysis, it will be useful to know that this method of removing unwanted hair on the face or body is long, costly and painful. Depending on the hardness of the hair, the procedure can take from 3 to 12 hours. The cost of one hour, as a rule, starts from 20 euros, depending on the skill of the master and the reputation of the beauty salon.


Photoepilation, too, is distinguished by a rather high price, but has a higher efficiency. The method consists in intensive short-term light exposure to hair follicles, as a result of which they cease their growth. The main advantages of photoepilation are the short duration of the session, reliability, painlessness. This method is equally good for women with both hard and soft hair.

To achieve maximum effect, as a rule, from 3 to 6 sessions of photoepilation are required. The cost of one session can reach 500 euros. This method does not guarantee the removal of unwanted hair forever for women whose hair color is lighter than skin color. At such representatives of a fair sex undesirable hair can grow again in some years.


The main advantages of wax depilation are the possibility of applying the method at home and the relative cheapness. Almost all cosmetic companies today offer their customers waxing kits at home. Depending on personal preferences, each woman can purchase a product at any cosmetic store. The principle of action of these drugs against unwanted hair is as follows:

In order to apply this procedure, you should know that the optimal hair length for removing unwanted hair with wax is 5 mm. Repeat this method is necessary every 2-4 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman.

An important drawback of this method is that irritation often occurs on the skin.

Removal of unwanted hair folk remedies

From unwanted hair can be easily disposed of with the help of folk remedies

If even light hair causes inconvenience, then with the help of hydrogen peroxide they can be removed completely. To do this, the area of ​​skin with hair should be wiped with peroxide 3 times a week and substituted for direct sunlight. Hair as a result of this quickly weakens and breaks. Using a sponge, they can be easily removed.

Removal of unwanted hair can be carried out with the following means: 3 ml iodine, 10 ml castor oil, 4 ml ammonia and 60 ml - medical alcohol. All ingredients must be mixed and infused for several hours. This mixture should be wiped problem areas for three weeks 2 times a day.

Before removing unwanted hair it is worth considering - are they really so noticeable? Since removing hair once, we often doom ourselves to regular removal of unwanted hair for a very long time.