Proper breastfeeding

Mother's milk is the best food for a baby. Therefore, proper breastfeeding is something that every woman should learn. It is known that milk contains not only nutrients, but also antibodies to various diseases. Especially a lot of them in the colostrum - the very first milk. That's why it's important to start applying small to the breast right after birth.

During pregnancy and childbirth, the body of a woman undergoes a huge number of changes and experiences a colossal load. The mother's reproductive system suffers the greatest damage. Changes are subjected to everything: the uterus, the vagina, the hormonal background. In this regard, recovery after childbirth is a very important period. Proper breastfeeding of the newborn allows you to recover as quickly and without any labor after birth and come to form, because During close contact with the son or daughter, the hormone oxytocin, responsible for contraction of the uterus, is produced. Due to this, it returns to its normal size after 2 months. Next, we will tell you how to properly organize breastfeeding.

Basic rules for proper breastfeeding

The main thing you need to know for a full breastfeeding is:

In the first months, such meals can occur up to 10-12 times a day. You need to be morally and physically ready to spend with a small one at the breast for most of the day. Therefore, you need to create for this comfortable conditions - both physical and psychological.

Proper nutrition with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding involves the proper nutrition of the woman herself. She should exclude all products that are capable of causing allergies (nuts, citrus fruits, red berries and fruits, fish, exotic foods, chocolate), as well as to diversify their diet at the expense of safe products. It is proved that the use of cow milk by the mother improves lactation and improves its quality, enhances nutritional value. However, one should be careful, it can also be the cause of an allergic reaction in the baby.

How correctly to organize mixed feeding?

If you decide to switch to mixed feeding, i.e. to connect the mixture, it is necessary that such a decision be approved by a pediatrician on the basis of the inspection data of crumbs. Supplementation of the formula may be required if the milk is not sufficient or the mother can not continue to breastfeed because of health problems, or for social reasons (for example, when going to work, leaving, etc.). The doctor must calculate the amount of nutrition that is missing, or which should be received, explain his calculations to a woman, and monitor compliance with its recommendations.

With mixed nutrition, you can proceed as follows (by selecting one of the options):

Regardless of what the mother chooses, her milk should be a priority food. Mixtures should be used not only as something that can not be dispensed with, but also what can not be abused.