Fitball for babies

For a good physical development of a newborn baby, it is necessary to do gymnastic exercises and fitball for babies in this regard - an excellent simulator. With the right selection of light exercises, this process will bring great health benefits to the crumbs. You can begin classes from the first month of your life.

Gymnastics on the fitball for babies

Simple rocking is the development of the vestibular apparatus (a very important stage, especially in the first year after birth). Also, this exercise leads to relaxation of the abdominal muscles and, as a consequence, to a reduction in colic , improvement in digestion and respiration in infants.

Vibration stimulates the functions of vital organs such as the kidneys, liver, etc., and also gives an effect of anesthesia and relieves small spasms.

Charging on the fitball for babies strengthens the back muscles, especially at the base of the spine - they become more flexible and sturdy; promotes the proper development of all muscle groups. And this means that the nerve impulses will be distributed evenly and unhindered throughout the body, therefore such exercises help to properly work the child's nervous system.

In addition to all the useful physiological consequences of development, the baby remains very pleased, his mood rises, and for you this is another opportunity to diversify his communication with the child. Moreover, you can continue such activities and when he grows up, while already making him a company.

Physicians practice massage on fitball for babies having any orthopedic or neurological pathologies. But such exercises should be conducted only by a specialist.

Which fitball is better for a baby?

It is believed that the size of the fitball for babies is suitable for a diameter of 60-75 cm. Such dimensions will allow you to engage in even an adult, you can sit or jump freely on it, playing some games. Mom, this ball can also come in handy after giving birth to restore the figure.

How to choose a fitball for babies?

The ball itself must be made of high-strength eco-friendly rubber, do not smell like paint and be quite elastic. The connecting seams on a quality ball are almost invisible to the eye, there are also options with anti-explosion system ABS, which is very important when working with young children.

A few simple and popular exercises

Now go directly to the exercises on the ball.

Exercise "There-here . " Excellent train vestibular apparatus. It is necessary to put the baby on the tummy. One hand is placed by the parent on his back, the other is held by his feet, and begins to rock the baby to the right and left and back and forth. This procedure can last until you get tired of the baby


After this, you can turn the child to the back and continue the same jiggling movements already in this position.

Exercise "Wheelbarrow". Suitable for babies who are already sitting or trying to walk. We lay the baby's tummy on the ball and raise the legs, and the kid at the same time rests against the fitball hands.

Exercise "Airplane". To perform it, you need an excerpt, both dealing with the parent, and the child himself. The parent turns the baby on the barrel, holds it by the shin and the forearm, and makes small slopes back and forth, just a few times, then does the same on the other barrel.

Exercise "Clock". Put the child back on the fitball, holding both hands tightly by the chest, and begin to hold circular movements hourly and counter-clockwise.

Fitball can be used for games: jumping on it, rolling or throwing each other, which also contributes to the development of the vestibular apparatus and simply raises the mood, which is accompanied by sonorous childish laughter.