How correctly to make tea?

As you know, the whole world is divided into coffee lovers and tea lovers. We will talk about tea, for there are lots of varieties of this drink, and each requires a special approach to itself.

How correctly to make black tea?

Do you think you know how to brew black tea properly? And you make tea in a small teapot, then pour it into cups, diluting with boiling water? If so, then congratulations, you are doing wrong. Tea should be brewed immediately in a large kettle, and enjoy it not diluted. For brewing it is better to use soft water, and do not boil it "until it stops," only boiling water is enough. Tea should be covered in the already heated (rinsed with boiling water) teapot, preferably ceramic. The maximum norm is 1 teaspoon per cup. To insist tea it is necessary 5-7 minutes, having covered a teapot with a napkin. Maximum pleasure from tea can be obtained if you drink it no later than 15 minutes after brewing.

How to brew green tea?

The right brewing of green tea is even more cunning than the same manipulations with his black fellow. For green tea, it is better to use spring water. Tea leaves, taken from the calculation of 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water, are poured with water, which has cooled to 80-85 ° C. The first time you need to insist tea about 2 minutes, then it is poured into cups. When re-brewing, the infusion time is increased by 15-20 seconds. Green tea, depending on the variety, can be brewed 3-5 times in a row.

How correctly to brew Chinese (yellow) tea?

On the cup you need to take 3 grams, adding 1 gram per each following. That is, if you are going to drink tea threesome, then you need to brew 5 grams of tea. Yellow tea is poured hot (50-70 ° C) with water and insists for 10 minutes. Then we add water to boiling water and enjoy delicious taste and aroma.

How correctly to brew white tea?

White tea, like yellow, does not tolerate high temperatures, and therefore pour it with water not hotter than 70 ° C. It is necessary to insist white tea 3-4 minutes. If it is correctly brewed, then the color will be pale yellow or greenish-yellow, the aroma is thin, floral. White tea, as well as green, can be brewed several times, usually 3-4.

How correctly to brew red tea karkade?

Take 8-10 teaspoons of hibiscus petals, pour a liter of water and boil for 3 to 5 minutes. Carcade tea is recommended to drink with sugar, and petals can be eaten as a vitamin supplement to protect against viral infections - vitamin C in lax petals is many. By the way, karkade can be drunk and cold, many even ice is added to it.

How to brew Turkish tea?

Turkish tea is brewed in a very interesting way, using 2 teapots. In one we pour water and put it on the fire. In the second we pour 5-6 table spoons (we do not regret with a slide) tea and put it on top of a teapot with water. When the water in a large kettle boils, pour it into the upper kettle and leave it on low heat for 5-10 minutes. After the tea is poured into cups and diluted with the remaining boiling water to taste.

How to brew ginger tea correctly?

Now more and more people are discovering the beneficial properties of ginger tea, and therefore it is very important to know how to properly brew it. Cut the root ginger in thin slices, put in metal dishes and pour water. Bring to a boil, and keep on low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then we cool the tea, add lemon, honey, mint - what you like.

How correctly to make tea mate?

By and large, mathematics is not, because for tea leaves are used not tea bush, but stalks and leaves of Paraguayan holly, powdered into powder. Classical mate is drunk from the kalebasy through a metal tube. In cleaned calabash (fall asleep in a container for 2/3 of mat, fill with hot water, leave for a day, drain and wipe with a soft cloth) for 2/3 pour mate, close it with palm and shake. Carefully insert the bomb (iron tube), return to the vertical position of the container and fill with hot (about 70 ° C) water. First, before crossing the bomb with the powder, and after a couple of minutes we top up the top of the calabash. Brew the same portion of powder can be many times, almost to the loss of taste.