Exercises for contraction of the uterus after childbirth

Involution of the uterus is a natural and necessary process. Normally, in order for the organ to regain its former size and purify itself of lochia, it takes about 6-8 weeks. The most intensive contraction falls on the first week after childbirth. But, due to certain circumstances, in some women the recovery period is delayed. Then the newly-mummy needs medical attention. Often, in combination with drug therapy, doctors recommend that their patients perform special physical exercises for contraction of the uterus after childbirth. By the way, these same exercises for preventive purposes can be performed by women literally the next day after delivery or after the seams have healed.

Exercises for contraction of the uterus after natural delivery

While still in the hospital, a woman can begin to perform gymnastics, which contributes to the speedy reduction of the uterus. Of course, provided that the birth took place without complications and the woman in childbirth did not have to impose seams.

  1. The first exercise is the easiest: we lay down on the floor on our back, try to relax as much as possible, then we lower our legs together, slowly bend and unbend them. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Not badly stimulate uterine contractions simple movements of the feet: we press and relax the toes; straighten our legs and reach for ourselves with our toes. We perform as often as possible in our spare time.
  3. An invaluable benefit will also be provided by respiratory gymnastics: we lay down on our backs, bend our legs, breathe calmly, evenly and deeply, inhale the abdominal wall, let it out in the exhalation.
  4. Involved in the complex and Kegel exercises: first we squeeze the muscles of the vagina, and then the anus.
  5. It is useful at the stage of recovery after childbirth and gymnastics ball: sit on it and perform a pelvis circular movements in different directions or just swing.

Exercises for contraction of the uterus after cesarean are similar, but they can be performed only after permission of the doctor, who controls the healing process and the general condition of the woman. As a rule, in a week doctors allow mothers to give themselves a little physical exertion.