Drawings by May 9 - Victory Day for Children

May 9, residents of Russia, all CIS countries, as well as Israel, celebrate the great holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. On this day in all cities, mass events are held, dedicated to the holiday, parades, processions and demonstrations are organized, fireworks are launched. In addition, today Victory Day is officially recognized as a day off.

How to tell the children about the Victory Day?

Of course, our daughters and sons do not quite understand what this great holiday means to their grandparents. Nevertheless, history can not be forgotten, and parents and teachers must certainly explain to the children what exactly happened that day many years ago, and why today the Victory Day is so widely celebrated.

On this day, tell the children how people lived during the war. Well, if a grandmother or grandfather, who is familiar with military litigation, does it firsthand. Beginning of the story is from June 22, 1941 - the date with which the Soviet Union came a terrible war. It was a day off, Sunday. All people rested and planned to spend a summer day with their family. Suddenly, fascist Germany launched an offensive. This news for all sounded like a bolt from the blue. Despite the unexpectedness, all the adult men immediately gathered and went to the front, because protecting their homeland is their duty. Even those who stayed, fought in the rear, they were called partisans.

The war took several long years. During these years, more than 60 million people have not returned home. Each family lost one or more relatives, every day brought new grief and losses, but the Soviet people did not retreat and struggled with the last forces with the enemy. In the spring of 1945, the Soviet army finally launched an offensive against Berlin. Under the pressure of the armed forces of the USSR, the enemy surrendered and signed an act of surrender and the end of the war. Since that day, peace has reigned on our Earth, which is so important for the happy and healthy life of the entire population. In 2015, in Russia, Ukraine and other countries celebrate the anniversary of the Great Victory - 70 years. Unfortunately, so few participants of the war survived to this day, but all those who left the mortal land will remain forever in our memory. It is the tribute and respect to the veterans that we give, celebrating the Victory Day every year.

In many schools in May, numerous contests are held, timed to the Victory Day. Most of them are literary contests in verse or prose, as well as drawing contests. It is during the preparation of the competitive work that a student can learn a lot about the Great Patriotic War, the Victory Day, veterans and their ancestors who, by and large, gave us life.

Next, we will tell you which children's drawings can be painted for children by the Victory Day on May 9 and will offer original and beautiful ideas.

Pictures for children for the holiday on May 9

Figures of children on May 9 may contain military or holiday attributes, for example:

Figures of children, dedicated to May 9, often represent greeting cards or posters. Often it is between such congratulations that the contest is held, and the best works are placed in the wall newspaper. Older children can depict various plot situations related to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, for example: