How thin Natalia Andreichenko?

For the role in the film "Mary Poppins" famous actress Natalia Andreichenko just a couple of weeks turned from a downed Russian maiden into a refined "Miss Perfection". They say that for this she had to lose about 15 kilograms, but these judgments differ from the facts. Since then, many years have passed, but the actress never revealed the secret of her transformation. We can only guess what kind of food Andreychenko preferred.

How thin Natalia Andreichenko?

Natalia Andreichenko from "Mary Poppins" is often compared with her from the film "Sibiryada", which brought her wide popularity. However, the "Siberiade" was filmed in 1978, and "Mary Poppins" - 5 years later, in 1983. In fact, over the years, Natalya's life has changed a lot, as has her weight.

In 1982, she married Maxim Dunaevsky, gave birth to his son, and at the same time decided to shoot in the film "Military Field Novel." Combine this work with motherhood was impossible, so the baby she sent to her mother in Dolgoprudny. Then there was a long and difficult period of filming, combined with regular visits to his son. All this required a lot of strength and nerves, and during this period, the actress has already significantly lost weight. In the film, she is by no means the rosy-cheeked "Russian woman" from "Sibiryada", but also not Mary Poppins.

Hence it follows that to achieve the cherished goal in the form of harmony, Andreichenko did not lose weight by 15 kilograms in 2 weeks. She had to lose literally 4-6 kg, and this goal is quite achievable.

Diet Natalia Andreichenko: possible options

Even if the actress never reveals her secret, it is quite possible to guess what her diet was. In order to lose weight by 4-6 kg in 14 days, you must adhere to a fairly strict low-carb diet and preferably - exercise. You will be able to repeat the feat Natalia Andreichenko, if you use one of these power systems:

  1. Kefir-apple diet : every day you can drink a liter of yogurt and eat a kilogram of apples. Everything else is forbidden.
  2. Milk-vegetable diet: it is allowed to eat any raw vegetables and fruits (up to 1 - 1.5 kg per day) and drink low-fat dairy products (1 liter a day).
  3. Cucumber diet: a day is allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of cucumbers and 1 piece of black bread.

All these diets require additional intake of vitamins. It is not necessary to eat so for more than 7-10 days. After the course, do not go back to the usual diet, but go to the correct diet to keep the result.