Amblyopia of the eye

A healthy person has binocular vision, which means the ability of the brain to match the visual information obtained from both eyes to a single image. With such a pathology as amblyopia, this function is not available and as a result, the work of one eye is suppressed. But do not worry - the pathology is reversible and well treatable.

Amblyopia - degrees and varieties

Types of the disease:

  1. Deprivational amblyopia of the eye - occurs due to cataracts or thorns.
  2. Disbinocular amblyopia - occurs with strabismus, often becomes its cause.
  3. Refractive amblyopia - develops due to astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, lack of necessary vision correction.
  4. Hysterical amblyopia is a consequence of psychoses and stress.

Depending on the characteristic decrease in visual acuity, there are the following types of pathology:

Symptoms of amblyopia of the eye

The main symptoms of the disease:

It is not difficult to detect progressive amblyopia, since the external state of the inoperative eye makes it possible to accurately diagnose. To confirm or dispel fears, it is possible to conduct several tests during which a healthy body is covered with a tablet or a hand, and with the help of the injured eye the patient must identify the text or image.

Treatment of amblyopia

The complex therapeutic approach includes visual gymnastics of the eye, whose activity is suppressed. For this it is recommended to wear the bandage almost all the time, covering the healthy an organ to increase the strain on the eye, affected by amblyopia.

Medication involves the use of drops with atropine. The drug is injected into the conjunctival sac of a healthy eye to reduce its activity and, accordingly, increase the intensity of the patient's work.

In addition, good results can be achieved with the use of modern hardware methods, for example, using the Amblykor device.

With accompanying visual impairment (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism), it is recommended to perform a laser correction beforehand or to pick up glasses, lenses.