Correct posture

Surely many of you paid attention to the beautiful posture of the ballet dancers and on the proud become the military. A tight belly, a slightly raised chest, an even head position, a confident look right in front of him are signs of a person's correct posture. But this is not only external beauty. This is also our health, because well-developed muscles keep the spine in the correct position, and the load on it is distributed evenly, which has a positive effect on the spine and on the functioning of all internal organs and systems. Therefore, the meaning of correct posture is much greater than it seems at first glance. In addition, it is not given by nature, because the physiological bends of the spine acquires as a person grows up. Therefore, it is extremely important from the early childhood to pay attention to how we sit, stand and walk.

How correctly to keep a posture?

Go to the wall and, turning your back, press against her nape, shoulder blades and buttocks. In this case, the heels can fall a few centimeters from the wall (about the width of the plinth). Try to stick your hand between the wall and waist, without lifting your shoulders and head from the surface. If you succeed, then your posture is correct.

How to form a correct posture?

If you did not manage to do the above exercise, you probably asked yourself: well, how can I make my posture correct if I feel completely inconvenient to be in this position? Believe me, if other people could do it, then you can. To begin with, just try to memorize the position of your body against the wall and take this position for just a few minutes during the day. The main thing is that you have a desire, and you remember that you are doing a very important thing for your health - the formation of a correct posture. Gradually the body will get used, the muscles supporting the spine will be trained, and you will reach the set goal. Help in this you can special exercises, swimming, skiing.

How to keep the posture while sitting at the table?

First, you need to check - whether your furniture corresponds to the size and shape of your body. A person who has a height of 1.7-1.8 m needs a table about 80 cm high, and a chair that is necessary for proper posture should have a height of 48-50 cm and a seat depth of at least 36 cm. The front of the seat must come under the edge of the table is about the length of the matchbox. Secondly, you should periodically check - as you sit, it will help to gradually develop the correct posture, to which we aspire.

Watch your body position: the trunk is straightened, the back is supported by the lumbosacral region on the comfortable back of the chair, the legs are bent at right angles, the feet stand on the floor, the forearms lie on the table. In this case, the distance from the edge of the table to the chest should be about 3-4 cm. Gradually, you will get used to this position and the formation of a correct posture will not cause you discomfort or discomfort.

How correctly to keep a posture behind a computer?

Once you read these lines, then you are sitting at the computer. In what position are you? The picture shows the correct position of the person sitting at the computer.

Pay attention to the fact that the monitor should be located at eye level or just below. The screen resolution should not provoke a tilt of the head forward in an attempt to see the fine print. The keyboard and mouse should be positioned so that the arms are bent at the elbow joints at an angle of 90 °. The legs and back should have a support, as in the "sitting at the table" position.

Correct posture in children

Correct posture in children should be formed from early childhood. The child's spine is still forming its bends, the muscles are gradually developing, and it is easier for a child to get used to a certain position of the body in space than an adult.

In preschool children, the formation of proper posture should be dealt with by his parents, close relatives, kindergarten workers and other people in contact with children. The older a child becomes, the more difficult it is to correct his habits, and according to statistical data the posture of every tenth first-grader and every fourth graduate of the school is disrupted.

Incorrect posture in children can cause scoliosis (abnormal rotation of the spine around its axis), and violations of physiological curves of the spinal column (lordosis and kyphosis). In order for the pupil's posture to be correct, it is necessary to follow how he sits at the desk, how he wears school textbooks (ideally - in a backpack behind his back so that the load is distributed evenly), how much weight the backpack has, whether the child is regularly engaged in physical exercises corresponding to his age. These simple measures will help keep the spine healthy, and the posture is beautiful and correct.