How to love your reflection in the mirror?

Very few women who look at themselves in the mirror will be satisfied with what they saw, but in vain. After all, the main principle of psychology, esotericism and other similar directions - first of all you need to love yourself. Of course, to justify this expression of their real weaknesses and shortcomings, namely excess weight, brittle hair and ugly skin - is wrong.

What is the reason?

Most often, the main reasons for such discontent are low self-esteem and laziness. Yes, many women are just too lazy to take care of themselves and put themselves in order. Every person is unique, so many women believe that inner beauty is more important than appearance or they do not care what they look like. But basically everything changes when a decent man appears on the horizon, then the woman is ready for anything.

What to do?

To have the opportunity to overcome not only your laziness, but also improve self-esteem, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Go from the opposite - look at yourself in the mirror more often. Psychologists are sure that the more you look at the object of discontent, then sooner or later you begin to notice all its positive features.
  2. Do not say aloud and do not even think that you are not beautiful, fat and so on. Even there is an appropriate expression - "If a person is told that he is a pig, then sooner or later he will grunt." Best of all, convince yourself that you are beautiful and everything will be fine with you.
  3. Of course, one self-hypnosis is not enough and it's time to change externally. If you have excess weight, it's time to change your diet and exercise. Gradually eliminate from the diet foods that contain a lot of fat and simple carbohydrates. Thus, you cleanse the body and get rid of extra pounds. To consolidate the result and tighten your skin, go to the gym. You can choose any sporting direction, for example, swimming pool, fitness equipment, dancing and so on. Thanks to this, your body will become slim and beautiful.
  4. To decorate and emphasize your new figure go on shopping. Buy things that you have long wanted, but because of extra pounds could not afford it. The process of choosing clothes will improve your mood and raise your self-esteem, because now things that you measure a couple of sizes smaller than before, should not this be proud of.
  5. Now you need to deal with the face. Due to a change in diet, you will significantly improve the skin condition, it will become clean, taut and elastic. Now it's time to go to a professional make-up artist who will teach with make-up to hide his shortcomings and emphasize dignity.
  6. If you have problems with hair, for example, they quickly zhirneyut, split or break, then you need to pick the right shampoo and make special masks. You can buy already ready or make them yourself from various components.
  7. There is, of course, the most cardinal way, which must be addressed only as a last resort - plastic surgery. For example, if you have a very long nose, then no make-up will fix it, in this case only surgery will help.

Here are such simple tips that will help you overcome your complexes and problems, now everything is in your hands.

Estimate the results

Finally, it's time to reassess your reflection in the mirror, most likely you will not like what you like, you'll just be delighted with what you saw. Now you can quite deservedly consider yourself very beautiful and attractive. It's time to go out, choose the most beautiful outfit, make a make-up, a beautiful hairstyle and advance the world, which simply must fall to your feet.