How to learn not to take everything to heart - psychology

If the views, criticisms and criticism of other people is of great importance to you, then it is simply necessary to learn how to treat their opinion easier.

How not to take everything to heart - advice of a psychologist

There are some rules that help people not to take too much of what they are said about. If you are a person who takes everything to heart, it means that you often feel that people are inclined towards you aggressively. Do not take their actions or words exclusively in a negative light. Perhaps no one wants to offend you, and the current situation is a misunderstanding, an unsuccessful joke, or simply the result of a hard day. As soon as you have a negative feeling in your direction, do not rush to perceive it emotionally, but try to analyze it. Analysis provides an opportunity to keep emotions under control.

Next, you need to refocus your attention . A person who takes everything to heart, transfers attention from the sense of what was said or done to one's own feelings at this moment. Instead, it's better to pay attention to the person who offended you, to observe his attitude towards other people, perhaps - he just has such a manner of communication. Maybe this person is too weak and feels a certain threat in you, then his attitude is quite understandable. It is necessary to imagine that in his heart he is only a small child, therefore it is necessary to show patience and compassion for him.

Science psychology tells us how to learn not to take everything to heart. To do this, do not wait for approval from others. Such vulnerable people are often afraid that they can make a mistake, and as a result, others will be unhappy with them.

It is important to understand that if someone is unhappy with you, it does not mean that you are doing something wrong. In most cases, a person expressing his negative to you, dissatisfied with himself, and splashing out anger at you, he tries to compensate for his weakness. Try to speak to the person who offended you that you feel. Perhaps he just does not realize that he behaves aggressively towards you.

A few more tips on how to learn not to take everything to heart. If you are upset with something - this is not a reason to behave rudely and rude to others, then people will have no reason to criticize. But you should understand that sometimes criticism is constructive, and if you listen to it, you can become better.