Interesting books on psychology

As a rule, the most interesting books on psychology are those that reveal a certain side of the human personality, teach us to achieve any goals, improve their skills in any area. We bring to your attention a list of interesting books on psychology that will surely affect your worldview and quality of life.

  1. "Enough thinking! Act! »Robert Anthony
  2. Many people understand everything perfectly, however, switching from theory to practice all the time interferes with them. This book describes all the necessary actions that make it possible to be an effective, active and successful person. Being able not only to set goals , but also to go to them, you can achieve everything that you wish.

  3. "The language of conversation" Alan and Barbara Pease
  4. This is a great tutorial for those who seek to uncover all the mysteries of sign language and learn to literally understand the interlocutor without words. In addition, you will learn a lot of interesting information about the most ordinary speech of a person and how to make it as effective and useful in all respects as possible.

  5. "How to Acquire Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
  6. This is the most popular of the books of the famous American psychologist, in which he shares his observations about the weak places of people, using which you can easily fit into any company. This book includes a lot of interesting life examples and offers specific ways to solve problems.

  7. "Sign Language, the Language of Love" by D. Givens
  8. This is an interesting book on the psychology of relationships, through which you learn about the wisdoms of nonverbal communication, through which people receive most of the information about the world around them. As a result of reading, you will learn how to attract the attention of the person you like, to behave correctly in the course of developing relationships and to be a real master of seduction!

  9. "Psychology of influence. Persuade. Influence. Defend »Robert Chaldini
  10. This book is rightfully considered one of the best of its kind. It does not dazzle with complex professional terms, it is written easily, vividly and interestingly, and most importantly - the advice that it gives is really working in life. This work has helped a huge number of people, because the book sold a million copies.

  11. "How to stop worrying and start living" Dale Carnegie
  12. This is the greatest work of the famous American psychologist, who reveals simple ways to live in harmony with himself and the world around him. This book has turned millions of lives and makes it easy to overcome any difficulties and obstacles on the way to your happiness .

  13. "Psychology of manipulation. From the puppet to the puppeteers "V. Shapar
  14. The author is sure that modern man spends too much time on various matters, and can not give himself any due attention. After reading this work, you will learn to say "no" firmly, and live as you want, and not as other people demand of you. After reading, you can easily select those people who want to manipulate you, and do not let them.

  15. "Types of people and business" Kroeger Otto
  16. This book is necessary for any beginning and accomplished businessman, and also for those who are just planning to open their business. In any of these cases, it is very important to understand people, be able to manage personnel, to see in people and the person, and the employee of the company.

Interesting books on psychology to each person can bring not only several hours of pleasant reading, but also a real benefit for life, which will solve life problems and be more effective. Regularly reading, you develop and get a lot of life bonuses.