Personality Properties

Each person in the process of his development acquires the individual properties of the personality, which make up its structure and distinguish a person from among others. Each set of such properties is original, as we all react in different ways to external and internal factors, the influence of which contributes to the formation of the personality .

Emotionality as an attribute of personality

Everyone knows how direct the children are in the manifestation of their feelings, but as they mature, the picture changes, the personality becomes overgrown with individual properties. Someone learns to mask true feelings or imitate them, someone becomes more emotionally stable, and someone can not cope with it, becoming a victim of frequent nervous breakdowns. There are also cases of asyntonism - the absence of emotions. Among the properties of personality, describing its emotional side, distinguish:

  1. Excitability . Reflects the readiness to respond to psychological irritants, is responsible for the formation of vulnerability, sensitivity.
  2. Depth of experience .
  3. Emotional rigidity and lability - stability and mobility. These properties reflect a person's ability to experience feelings after the disappearance of the stimulus (stiffness) and the ability to quickly adapt to the changing situation (lability).
  4. Emotional stability . It is considered in two aspects - situational (ability to suppress emotions) and personal (lack of response to emotional stimuli).
  5. Expressiveness is a way of expressing one's feelings through facial expressions, gestures, intonations, etc.
  6. Emotional response - the degree of perception, the level of sensitivity of a person.
  7. Emotional pessimism and optimism .

The totality of the individual traits determines the type of personality, which today is singled out by four.

  1. Emotional . A man of this type is easily aroused and impressed, actions committed in a state of frustration often cause repentance, but invariably repeat themselves.
  2. Sentimental . For such people, self-contemplation is characteristic, they estimate the world according to their own emotional reactions to it, which are very important to them. The feelings of such a person are directed at one's own person, he can commit bad deeds, shedding sincere tears.
  3. Passionate . People of this type are swift and persistent in achieving goals, in their lives emotions always hit the key. They give their energy for 100%.
  4. Emotionally frigid . For this type is characterized by a cold mind, such a person will not be able to understand the experiences of others, he simply lacks such ability.

This is a modern view of the emotional properties of the personality and, of course, this is not the final wording, the field will continue to develop, opening up human feelings on new sides. In general, emotionality, as a property of personality, was considered by Hippocrates, only then it happened within the framework of one of the types of temperament - the choleric one.

Temperament as a property of personality

The concept of temperament is fundamental in describing a person, because it is this property that is the basis around which all other features are built. This is due to the stability of temperament , and also due to its influence on many features of the human personality - the speed of response to stimuli, flexibility, behavior, the way emotions are expressed, etc. Knowledge of temperament will predict the type of reaction, but will not tell you what the person will do. That is, this property will tell only about the manner of behavior, but not about specific actions.