Emotional-volitional sphere of personality

To date, in psychology, sociology and other related fields of knowledge, human emotions and the volitional sphere are considered and studied, mostly separately (there are many different theories that can be considered quite reflecting the real features of the objects under study). However, there are scientific approaches and points of view, on the basis of which the will and emotions are viewed in unity.

On the relationship of will and emotions

In the process of life, a person has problems that he, one way or another, decides. The attitude to the problem, to what is happening around (to any information subject to the information) causes emotions, and attempts to participate and act in the situation are additional emotions. That is, sometimes a person has to overcome himself, because in our actions we are moved not only by desires, but also by reason, we rely on certain moral-value orientations. When we overcome ourselves, we carry out a volitional act. With the help of the will, we can also consciously influence the emotional sphere. Will regulation is consciously carried out by the subject when he realizes that his own emotions disorganize his activities aimed at achieving the goal. In cases where emotions stimulate this activity, volitional acts are not needed. Proceeding from all this, it is possible (of course, very conditionally and figuratively) to talk about the emotional-strong-willed mechanisms of the psyche.

How does it work?

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere in man occurs naturally only in cases of normal socialization from childhood. That is, this development does not happen by itself, but is provided by learning from other members of the society.

About the peculiarities of individual development

Difficulties in the implementation of emotional-volitional regulation in the field of activity are determined by the peculiarities of the development of the psyche of a particular person.

Imperfection, lack of harmony and lagging behind in the development of the moral qualities of a particular individual can lead to serious violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, since the volitional act is not only an emotional action, it is often a moral act, that is, an act.

Of course, the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality psyche is interdependent with the sphere of moral value orientations, which, in fact, determines the nature of motivation of activity and, in turn, the subject's self-esteem.

Emotions provide the person with a general mobilization of all (or some) body systems, and volitional acts, performing regulatory functions in the system "organism-psyche", ensure selective mobilization of certain departments of this system. That is, we can argue that any conscious action of a person is, first of all, a psychophysical act, consistent with the level of personal possibilities.

About strong-willed efforts

Some volitional acts require from the person special strong-willed efforts in cases when the emotional dominant and internal desires contradict the conscious moral-value or situational-activity orientations. This state of the individual is called an internal conflict. The resolution of internal conflict requires a special psychophysical and moral-volitional mobilization, as well as analysis, contemplation and reflection. Of course, in real life a person does not always have time for such detailed actions (then the acquired stereotypes of behavior and thinking and action skills are included).

Of course, stress , fear, horror, mental and physical fatigue reduce the intensity and effectiveness of strong-willed efforts. Inclusion in the process of action of other people in the coincidence of goals increases the opportunities, because people will mutually affect each other on the performance of a common task.

The correct organization of activity and mental regulation (self-regulation) is of particular importance. In this matter, we have much to learn from practicing oriental psychological practices. By the way, understanding the value of the goal and process in the East is somewhat different than in the West, let's say, more voluminous and holistic.