How to make a haircut?

Add a little volume to thin straight hair - a task that is relevant at all times. Yes, and fashionable in the 60s "babetta", dashing whirlwinds and tall cocoons again returned. Well, disheveled hair style in thrash style is popular among youth for the last thirty years. The only thing that unites these different directions is that they can not do without napping.

Every time you do not have to go to the salon, if you know how to do it yourself. For this simple procedure you will need: a hairdryer, a comb with frequent teeth and a "fork" on the tip or a thin tail (a so-called comb-hairpin), a massage brush or comb with thin teeth, mousse and hairspray of strong fixation. Let's say at once, it's not so difficult to make a big and high heap, how to keep it for several hours, after all, it's incorrectly made, it quickly falls off. So...

A step-by-step instruction on how to make a beautiful fleece

Step 1. To build a quality and durable naches can only be on very clean, dry and light hair. Therefore, before you do it yourself, you need to wash your hair. Dry your hair with a hair dryer, tilting your head forward - this will spread your hair and add volume to the roots.

Step 2. Distribute hair mousse for hair. In the absence of it before combing, each area must be pre-sprayed with varnish.

Step 3. Comb with a hairpin or fork, divide the hair into several strands with a width of 1 to 2.5 cm (depending on the thickness of the hair). Do not forget that to make the hair look natural, the combed area will need to be covered with a thin layer of smooth hair. So, before you make a voluminous haircut, immediately separate the edge of the strand and do not scratch it.

Step 4. Clamp the working strand between the index and middle finger and stretch well perpendicular to the head surface, i.e. up if you create a volume on the vertex. And if you are interested in how to do the back of the head, then pull the hair back. Now comb them with a comb with frequent teeth from the occipital side of the strand. Movements should be short and soft, directed to the roots, after each of them remove the comb from the mass of hair, otherwise you will simply tangle them in a tangle.

Step 5. After combing all the strands, very gently smooth them on top with a massage brush or hands, fix with varnish and wait until it dries completely. Then cover the beaten hair with a non-strung braid and once again sprinkle with varnish, if necessary - fasten your hair with hairpins or decorate the rim.

How to make hair on your hair without varnish?

The question is interesting, because you will not find any advice on this at all: in any guide to creating naches lacquer is necessary. And yet, how to make a fleece home without it?

Theoretically do without varnish can be, if the hair is thin and light. But be prepared for the fact that for a long time your hair will not live. Conclusion: this option is suitable for a short time, during which you will not go out on the street (for example, for a short photograph).

And how to make beautiful naches with the help of folk remedies, you ask. After all, before the mousses and lacquers for the hair was not, and our grandmothers in their youth flaunted with tall hairstyles. They acted like this: before the whipping of the hair, beer, sugar syrup, egg whites, decoction of flaxseed were applied to them, even joiner glue was especially desperate. And after they sprinkled their masterpiece

hairdresser's art with the same syrup or gelatin solution - held iron.

Want to try? We advise still not to neglect the achievements of modernity and to use a quality hair spray.

How to make a magnificent fleece and do not hurt your hair?

Of course, hairstyles with fleece look very impressive, but, alas, they do not add health to hair. By combing your hair against their growth, you inevitably "untangle" the keratinous scales of the hair, making it brittle. The hair is tangled, and combing the varnished splendor after the end of the evening is very traumatic, part of the hair is simply pulled out. Yes, and abundant fixation of varnish benefits your locks does not carry.

A few rules how to make a beautiful fleece with minimal harm to hair health: