Psychology of old age

What in itself conceals the psychology of old age? Every year, a person is exposed not only to physiological changes, but also to psychic changes. Most elderly people become pedantic, petty, little initiative. Although, as psychologists note, the old age of each person proceeds in different ways.

Psychology of old age and aging

Old age in psychology is a biological process characterized by the regularity of its nature. It manifests itself from the moment the organism stops growing. It is impossible to stop this phenomenon, but nobody forbids it to slow down.

It is believed that the senile period comes after reaching a man of 75 years. It should be noted that they distinguish:

If we talk about the negative consequences of old age, then in the developmental psychology they are referred to:

  1. Intellectual changes . There are difficulties in learning new material, adaptability to circumstances.
  2. Emotional . It can be a strong nervous overexcitement, causing tearfulness, sadness. It is caused mainly by ordinary phenomena (for example, watching your favorite movie).
  3. Changes in character . It is not impossible to change the life motivation.

Although the attainment of the elderly does not at all mean that there will be nothing light in life. Many people themselves subscribe to the "dying", voluntarily isolating themselves from the outside world and suffering from social inferiority.