How to pick a petunia?

Petunia is a perennial plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. On the streets of the city you can find hybrid petunia, which was obtained by crossing different species. It differs in the variety of forms, shades and types of flowers:

In gardening there is such a thing as a picking - plant re-planting at a young age to provide a larger area of ​​nutrition and growth.

An amateur gardener may be wondering whether it is necessary to dive petunia.

Do I need to dive petunia?

There is no single answer to this question. Someone believes that diving will injure the root system of petunia and it is better not to touch it at all. Others are of the opinion that it is necessary to make a diving, otherwise the plants will not have enough nutrients on the occupied area, which is fraught with rapid depletion of the soil.

To petunia shrubs were large, grew faster and differed by a strong root system, it is still necessary to carry out the picking.

When do I need to dive petunia?

As soon as petunia has at least two or three permanent leaves, you can start picking. Due to the fact that it is possible to hold a picking of a plant, it forms its own root lump, as a result of which the petunia root system is less injured when transplanted into the ground.

How correctly to dive a petunia?

Before diving petunia, it is necessary to stock up a large number of disposable cups or peat pots, in which the seedlings will be located. Additional will be required:

The procedure for diving petunia is as follows:

  1. We take a glass, we pour into it the soil consisting of a mixture of our own soil and purchased, intended specifically for seedlings.
  2. Using a knife or your own finger, make a small depression in the middle.
  3. Fill the resulting pit with water to soften the soil.
  4. Using a scapula or a knife, we start to pull out a petunia seedling: after retreating 0.5 cm from the stem of the plant, we dip the scapula to a depth of 1.5 cm, grab the soil and pull out the seedling.
  5. We begin to shift the plant with an earthen lump into the soil prepared in the cup, fill it with soil, tamp the fingers on both sides, heat it to the desired depth.
  6. Periodically, it is necessary to spray the soil with water from a sprayer.
  7. It is important to fill the earth with all the emptiness. The point of growth during picking should be open.

How to feed petunia after picking?

After each leaflet has 4 leaves, you can begin to feed the plants. It is more convenient to add fertilizers to water during irrigation. As a top dressing use nitrogen, potassium, calcium separately, and then in a complex. In this potassium should be more nitrogen. You need to feed the plants every ten days.

Petunia care after picking

The temperature in the room with the seedlings should be kept at 20-22 degrees for two weeks. It is advisable to place seedlings near the window to get a lot of light. Two or three days after the picks, you need to begin to temper plant. For this, you need to ventilate the room more often. At very low temperatures outside the window, the petunia shoots need to be removed from the window, otherwise the seedlings will freeze.

If the room is too hot or dark, the seedling will get worse.

In the summer, petunia needs a lot of liquid.

Proper picking of petunia seedlings will preserve nutrients in the soil and improve the growth of the stem and result in a beautiful plant.