How to prepare a jam from the petals of a tea rose?

Very often, making various blanks for the winter, the housewives invent new original recipes, thanks to their culinary creativity and imagination. For example, every year the jam of roses is gaining popularity. Let's find out how to make a fragrant jam from the petals of a tea rose. This delicacy is often called pink honey and is used in different ways: add to tea, spread on a slice of a loaf or apply when baking pies.

Recipe for cooking jam from the petals of a tea rose



So, petals of a tea rose first sift through a sieve to get rid of the pollen. Then rinse them and dry with a towel. We transfer it to a bowl, fall asleep with 100 grams of sugar and thoroughly rub it until a homogeneous gruel is formed. The remaining sugar is poured into a bowl, filled with filtered water and put on the slowest fire. We give a sweet syrup to boil for 5-7 minutes, and then we add lemon juice and mix it. In the ready-made sweet mixture, spread the prepared mush from the rose petals and gently mix them with the syrup. We boil the delicacy of 15 minutes, making sure that the jam is not thickened. After carefully remove the dishes from the plate and cool a bit. We pour the mass into sterile jars and roll them up. That's all, in a few days the best jam from the petals of a tea rose is ready for tasting.

Jam from the petals of a tea rose without cooking



Washed and dried rose petals pour with sugar, add citric acid, mix and leave to stand for about a day. After that we mash everything up with a stick to homogeneity, spread the mass over sterile jars and top off with sugar. We close the top with lids and remove the raw jam from the petals of the tea rose for storage in the refrigerator.

Delicious jam from the petals of a tea rose with honey



The petals are washed several times, dried and transferred to a small pan. Fill with steep boiling water and boil for 15 minutes with a weak boil. Next, we remove the dishes from the plate, cool it and insist the mass exactly one day. Now mix the pink delicacy with honey, send it to a small fire and boil it to homogeneity. We spread the hot jam into jars and immediately roll them.

Jam from the petals of a tea rose in a multivark



Before you start cooking jam, petals of a tea rose sift well from the pollen, rinse and spread on a paper towel to dry. Next, we prepare the berries of strawberries: we wash them, clean them of Leaves and put in a deep bowl. Then sprinkle half a serving of sugar and leave the hour at 3 to form a juice. In the bowl of the multivarker we throw the remaining sugar, vanillin, pour in warm water and mix. Next we send petals along with citric acid, turn on the "Varka" program and give the delicacy to boil. Next, lay out the berries of strawberries with juice, mix and cook jam on the same regime, periodically removing the foam. After the sound signal, we cool the contents, and then boil again. Repeat the cooking process several times, and pour hot jam on the jars.