Sea-buckthorn with sugar

An alternative to purchased vitamins is a natural product in the form of sea-buckthorn with sugar. Such a preparation can be closed in cans and stored throughout the autumn and winter, enriching your body with vitamins A, C, Group B, PP, R, K, E, A and a host of organic acids, and thanks to flavonoids, sea buckthorn lovers can stay healthy all year round .

Sea-buckthorn, mashed with sugar

This recipe is considered to be most useful, because it is here that the fruits of sea buckthorn are not subjected to any heat treatment, thereby preserving all the nutrients.



Seabuckthorn with sugar until homogeneity. This can be done in the old manner, with the help of a mortar and pestle, and you can mash the fruits with a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

The resulting puree is poured into cans, covered with a couple of tablespoons of sugar from above and covered with a lid.

Sea buckthorn, ground with sugar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months, so it is advisable to cook 2 servings of such food: one of the fresh berries before the fall, and the second - from frozen, at the beginning of winter.

Sea-buckthorn with sugar for the winter

If you are annoyed by a lot of sea buckthorn bones in the grinded mixture, then the following recipe is created specifically for you. Here the sea-buckthorn with sugar retains its maximum benefit, since it also does not undergo thermal treatment, and the consistency of such a billet will be much more pleasant than usual.



In order to make the sea-buckthorn puree, the fruits must be cleaned of leaves and pedicles, well washed and dried. Sea-buckthorn berries with a blender and grind it through a sieve. The remaining cake should be transferred to a double layer of gauze and squeezed directly into the resulting mashed potatoes. Now weigh the mashed potatoes and calculate the necessary amount of granulated sugar. We dissolve sugar in sea-buckthorn puree, we pour the received mass on sterile cans and roll it up. Store sea buckthorn with sugar should be in a cool place.

The recipe for sea-buckthorn with sugar

Since most of the vitamins A and E are contained in plastids, juices with pulp have an advantage over simple compressed juices. Cooking them is also easy and no special equipment is required, only berries and a stainless steel sieve.



Sea-buckthorn and put in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Scalded berries grinded through a sieve and mixed with sugar syrup to taste. Return the mass to the fire and bring it to a temperature of 60 degrees. We pour out sea-buckthorn juice on sterilized cans, cover with lids and put on a water bath sterilized at 90 degrees 20-25 minutes (for half-liter cans). Now the juice can be rolled up with covers.

Sea-buckthorn with sugar and apples

More delicious, but slightly less useful option of sea buckthorn billet for the winter can be considered fried with apple. The combination of sea-buckthorn and fruit is not uncommon, but an apple is generally a classic.



My apples, we clean from the peel and core with seeds, and then cut into cubes. Pieces of apples put in a pan with sea-buckthorn, pour all the water and cook, after boiling the liquid, 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we scrape the contents of the pan using a submerged blender, add sugar and agave syrup. Return the mixture to the fire and cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes. We lay out the jam on sterile jars and roll up the lids.