Infantilism of the uterus

The infantile womb is one of the malformations of the main organ of the reproductive system, which is characterized by a backlog in size. In medical practice this disorder is called uterine hypoplasia and is divided into three degrees:

  1. The embryonic uterus. It has a length of 1-3 cm, most of which falls on its neck. As a rule, this is a persistent violation, in which the restoration of reproductive function is impossible.
  2. Infantilism of the uterus of the 2 nd degree, or actually the infantile or nursery uterus . In this case, the size of the organ is about 3 cm in length and also markedly elongated neck, which corresponds to the age of 9-10 years. Most often it is accompanied by other manifestations of genital infantilism.
  3. Infantilism of the uterus 1 degree, or a teenage uterus. Underdevelopment in this case is the weakest of all, in addition, the infantilism of the uterus 1 degree gives the most favorable predictions regarding pregnancy and childbirth.

Infantile uterus - causes and treatment

As a rule, an underdeveloped uterus is a consequence of external factors and only in some cases is a violation of embryonic development.

The cause of infantilism could be:

The main symptom, at the appearance of which you can suspect a lag in the development of the uterus and other genital organs - is a meager and short menstruation with an irregular cycle. Also premenstrual syndrome in all its manifestation.

The secondary signs include the absence of sexual desire and orgasm. Mothers of daughters, who do not have menstruation at the age of 15, should immediately send their child to the gynecologist.

The infantile womb is the first prerequisite for infertility or the severe course of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, treatment of pathology is necessary, although this process is very complicated. In the complex, balanced nutrition, rest, counseling of a psychologist, hormonal therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed.