Vishudha Chakra

Vishuddha chakra, translated from Sanskrit, sounds like "complete purity". It is located on the throat, the petals are located on the surface of the larynx, and the stem descends from the back of the neck. This chakra is directly responsible for the communication and expression of its own "I". It provides an opportunity to find a common language not only with oneself, but with other people, and cosmic power.

The fifth Vishuddha chakra is intermediate, and is responsible for the connection between the lower and crown chakras. In addition, it performs a function, the so-called transition from thoughts, feelings to reactions and actions. This chakra helps to express to a person what he is.

Summary of the 5 Vichudha chakra:

The throat chakra is divided into:

  1. The upper part, which ensures the integrity of the perception of the surrounding world.
  2. The middle part, which ensures the harmony and integrity of man.
  3. The lower part, which provides a complete understanding of another person.

Discovery of the Vishuddha Chakra

The degree of development of the fifth chakra depends on the ability a person to know himself and to realize what is happening inside. Thanks to this you will be able to control all internal movements, as well as distinguish them.

Constant work on this chakra makes it possible to improve the interaction of man with his inner body. Due to this, you can look inside yourself and find out, as well as, if possible, correct or correct existing shortcomings.

Help to open the Vishudha chakra: