Estradiol is the norm

Estradiol is a steroid hormone, which is produced mainly in the ovaries and the reticular structure of the adrenal gland in women. Estradiol is responsible for the sexual development of the female type, the psycho-physiological formation of women. The action of this hormone is directed to the uterus, mammary glands, ovaries, fallopian tubes.

The level of estradiol is the norm

The norm of estradiol in women varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and is:

Estradiol hormone in men

Estradiol is produced in the male body by the testes and the network structure of the adrenal glands. Estradiol in men activates the metabolism, including calcium. Normally, the level of this hormone in men is 19.7 - 242 pmol / l.

Norm of estradiol in pregnancy

When pregnancy and as it develops, the level of estradiol in the body of a woman increases significantly. The highest level of this hormone reaches before delivery, and after delivery, the level of estradiol normalizes.

Estradiol during pregnancy is produced by the placenta. The action of this hormone is directed to the uterus, its vessels, blood coagulability. Estradiol protects the future baby all pregnancy. Its level is:

The norm of analysis for the level of estradiol

The analysis on the level of estradiol is given for diagnosis of the pathology of the menstrual cycle and infertility. 3 days before the delivery of this test is not recommended physical exercise. Analysis is given on an empty stomach.

Estradiol above normal

The level of estradiol above the norm can be observed with such pathologies:

Estradiol at the lower limit of the norm

The hormone level of estradiol can be reduced by:

Estradiol for IVF

Estradiol provides the growth of the endometrium, which is important when passing the IVF procedure and embryo transfer. The level of estradiol after embryo transfer is an important indicator of successful pregnancy. The level of estradiol is measured on the day of embryo transfer and a week later. With an insufficient level of estradiol, therapeutic hormonal support of the body is provided, which ensures the successful development of pregnancy.