Cyclodinone in the planning of pregnancy

Cyclodinone - a medicinal product on a natural basis, the main and the only active element of which is an ordinary prutnyak. If you are prescribed Cyclodinone in pregnancy planning , there can be only one conclusion - there is a large amount of prolactin in your body, which is responsible for the balance between gonadotropic and sex hormones, and also regulates the ratio of estrogen to progesterone.

Cyclodinone for conception

The purpose of Cyclodinone for the normalization of the menstrual cycle, including the phase of ovulation - is a common occurrence. The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the production of prolactin, which has a great influence on the second phase of menstruation. Thus, the hormonal balance in the body is restored, which makes it possible for a woman to become pregnant.

Many women with infertility are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant while taking Cyclodinone, and how much the drug helps. The answer to this question is usually positive, but only if the cause of infertility is correctly determined. Those who are helped by Cyclodinon to become pregnant have been diagnosed with hormonal disorders that are associated with excessive secretion of prolactin, so it is pointless to take the drug without preliminary analysis. In addition, it is possible the doctor will prescribe additional drugs, such as taking Cyclodinone and dufastone at the same time.

Indications for the appointment of Cyclodinone

In addition to the irregular menstrual cycle, Cyclodinone is prescribed for polycystic ovaries, mastodinia, endometriosis, infertility and even acne. The only condition is the common cause of such deviations - an imbalance between hormones, caused by a large production of prolactin.

Receiving Cyclodinone

Drink Cyclodinone, as a drug for the normalization of the menstrual cycle, is only for the prescribing physician. After all, your problems can be at all and are not related to prolactin. Cyclodinone is available in the form of tablets and drops.

According to the instructions, 40 drops or one tablet should be taken 1 time per day, washed down with a small amount of water. It is advisable to choose one time for taking the drug, since the interval should not exceed 24 hours.

Pregnancy after Cyclodinone

For those who become pregnant on Cyclodinone, the drug is a real salvation, but with the onset of pregnancy, the reception should be urgently discontinued. Cyclodinone reduces the production of prolactin, which during pregnancy is mandatory for normal development of the fetus. As such, side effects with the correct dosage of Cyclodinone is not revealed. The drug is created on a plant basis, so if you learned about pregnancy during a short reception of Cyclodinone, the drug does not represent a serious danger.