Chinese onion - medicinal properties

Chinese onions have many healing properties. This bulbous plant can be grown at home and, in principle, is considered not too whimsical. Its real name is a bird-cheesecake. People are accustomed to call a flower a Mongolian or Indian onion, as well as an infernal root.

Treatment with Chinese onions

For medicinal purposes, only the most mature and juicy leaves of the plant are used. They can be used fresh. Simply enough to cut and rub on the skin. Activate the plant immediately. The first sensation is a slight tingling and a rather pleasant burning sensation. Immediately after this comes relief.

The healing properties of Chinese onions allow it to be used to eliminate inflammation, to treat patients with teeth, joints, and oncological diseases. With the help of a bird-bird it is possible to get rid of warts without resorting to surgical intervention. Indian onions are also effective in eliminating spurs and calluses on the heels.

The recipe for tincture of Chinese onions for the treatment of joints

Of course, the drug is suitable not only for the treatment of rheumatological diseases. Just to deal with them, the bird knife is used most actively.

Recipe for infusion



Fresh leaves need to be gently and very finely chopped. After - pour the mixture with vodka. The container with the future tincture should be placed somewhere in a dark place where a low temperature is maintained. For a month, the medication should be shaken from time to time. At the end of this period, tincture should be filtered and moved to the refrigerator.

Use a medicinal product can be used for making compresses . It is also allowed to be consumed inside, but only in very small quantities. Otherwise, intoxication may occur.