Reproductive age of a woman

In her entire life, a woman goes a beautiful path from a girl to a woman who can give life to another person. It is the stage when this ability can and should be used, is called genital. The reproductive age of a woman is assessed differently in different countries and by different specialists. But in one there is unity - the opinion that a woman should be given birth from 20 to 35, is supported everywhere. It is optimal to give birth to the first child up to 25-27 years old, when the body is fully ripe and ready for bearing, but, at the same time, is not worn out.

It is believed that after 45-50 years, the egg cells cease to be produced, as a result of which the woman's ability to conceive disappears. Nevertheless, in the world there are cases of the birth of children by women over 50 years of age. In many respects this is facilitated by modern technologies.

Genital age - early and late pregnancy

It is believed that an early pregnancy is dangerous for both a woman and a baby, which she carries. Too young mothers have increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage, bleeding and toxicosis. Babies born to mothers who are not yet 20 years of age often have insufficient weight, after birth, it is poorly recruited, poorly adapted to new conditions for them. In addition, a girl may not be ready for motherhood psychologically. She does not have all the necessary knowledge for the proper care of the child.

In the case of late pregnancy planning, there may be problems with conception and bearing, because a woman of 36 or more years, as a rule, has certain diseases, deviations in health that do not allow her to conceive or give birth to a baby. In addition, after 40 years, the probability of a child with a genetic defect is high.

DMC of reproductive age

The issue of the reproductive age of a woman is often associated with the issue of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DMC). Women are worried about whether they are manifestations of menopause. According to statistics, DMC occurs in 4-5 women of reproductive age. They manifest themselves as a violation of the menstrual cycle, when menstruation occurs after a significant delay or before the expected time. Most often, the cause of DMC - a violation of the ovaries. Other causes may be lung, kidney or liver disease. With DMC, ovulation does not occur, a yellow body is not formed, and the level of progesterone is reduced. All this makes it impossible to conceive a child. Usually DMC occurs in women who have undergone abortions, ectopic pregnancy, an infectious disease or endocrine system disease.

NMC in reproductive age

Violation of the menstrual cycle (NMC) during the reproductive period is not uncommon. To the NMC include:

Reproductive age of a woman in different countries

In Russia and other European countries, the opinion was held that a woman of reproductive age should be between 18 and 45 years old. During this period, it is believed that Slavic and European women can conceive and give birth to a child. At the same time, in women of southern national groups, reproductive age begins and ends much earlier. Eastern girls early ripen and get married, and already being mature women, much more rapidly aging. In the countries of Western Europe there is an opposite tendency - in the direction of shift in later terms: births far beyond 30 and even 40 years are considered normal, respectively, and the climacteric age is delayed, which is promoted by the widespread use of hormonal drugs.

How to extend the woman's reproductive age?

To prolong the childbearing age, women need to carefully monitor their health, to treat any diseases on time, to monitor their hormonal background. Abortion prevention is a pledge of reproductive age.