How to recognize a lie?

Everyone has a need for communication. But everyone has this need manifested in varying degrees. Together with communication, a person is engaged in what often turns into a necessity. Growing up, a person uses lies for various purposes more often than he could have imagined as a child.

In parallel, each person seeks to understand how to recognize a lie. At first glance, it's rather difficult to determine whether a person is lying to you or not. Is it possible for people who are endowed with a special gift for a kilometer to see liars. But you can not let yourself be deceived, and for this you need to know a couple of basic rules that will teach you how to recognize a lie in your eyes, in the pantomime of a person.

How to learn to recognize a lie?

The ability to recognize lies is a very useful skill, helping to avoid the misfortunes that lies in lying. Modern scientists recommend in order to develop the ability to see untruths, to abandon stereotyped thinking. After all, it's been proven for a long time, the manifestation of nervousness in your interlocutor, the running of the eyes does not mean that you are dealing with a liar. The most effective method is to catch your partner by surprise with the help of a question. Track how quickly you respond to the interlocutor. The longer the deliberation time, the more likely that you will be lied to now.

Another way to identify deceit: ask a question, which is supposed to be an unambiguous answer ("yes" or "no"). A liar in such cases always has with him some answer, which is characterized by a special uncertainty.

How to recognize a lie by gestures?

It is known that people who lie are not particularly gesticulating, because lies require great mental effort. As a result, a lot of energy is spent from different parts of the liar's body. The more difficult the information is, the less the person gesticulates.

Psychology has identified a number of gestures that help to understand how to recognize a lie:

  1. The view of the interlocutor can tell you a lot. So, if he always takes him away, then chances are that he is hiding something from you. But do not forget that maybe you are dealing with a very shy person, so a person does not want to look you in the eyes.
  2. If your interlocutor pulls on his accessories, he often touches his chin, nose, this indicates his excitement.
  3. Frequent blinking, hoarseness in the voice may indicate falsity in words.

It is worth noting that to begin with, train your ability to recognize lies on the gestures and facial expressions of the characters in the telecasts.

How to recognize a man's lies?

There is no news for anyone that the representatives of the stronger sex lie. The strangest thing is that when a girlfriend is lying to you, you notice it right away. In the case of a man, you are not what you see, you feel a lie, and even in a strange way believe his words.

So, we will give examples of phrases that do not carry in themselves the slightest bit of truth:

  1. " I live with her only because I have children in common, but I love you." Agree that taking care of children is very good and respectful, but you also have the right to love. Think about whether you really care about a person who does not appreciate your own time.
  2. "I earn a lot." In case this is your first meeting with this man, then the probability is great that the said figure is increased. And if you live together, it is likely that your man played down his income. Think about, in fact, as a man, its contribution to your overall budget is great.
  3. "Sure, you look great in this dress." The man says such remarks, guided by the instinct of self-preservation. Realize that not all men are experts in fashion, so it is unlikely that he is telling the truth. Be confident and listen more to your own opinion than to those around you.

So, it's quite difficult to recognize a lie from the very first, but for people with developed intuition it will not be difficult. And everyone else is advised to practice and develop intuition every day.