How to improve handwriting?

There is an opinion that over the years the handwriting is changing, and the dominance of computers has freed people from having to write something manually. However, it is always possible to get trapped and cause bewilderment among the interlocutors who have become unwitting witnesses to the abstracting of any information. Therefore, to improve the handwriting can and should work, and how, will be told in this article.

How to improve the handwriting of an adult person?

It will be necessary for a while to become a first-grader again and turn to the material already passed - the words. And let each person write in his own way, there is a very specific way of writing each letter. It is necessary to study them anew and begin to train at least a couple of hours a day. This option can especially be recommended for those whose handwriting is often compared with the handwriting of doctors who, as is known, can not make out a single letter. If a person as a whole is satisfied with the technique of writing, but wants to correct only certain points, it is necessary to focus on them.

For example, you can fix a strong slope if you try to write directly, and vice versa. If the written lines all the time strive to go up or down, then it is easy to fix it by training in a special notebook in the line. In addition, one who is interested in how to improve handwriting for an adult should pay attention to how he holds the pen. Its end should look in the right shoulder. If desired, you can purchase special nozzles in any stationery store. Keep the handle at a distance of 1/3 of the length from the writing edge. The pencil is clamped between the thumb and forefinger, while the first lower half rests on the middle finger, and the second on the index finger. Do not need to compress the writing tool too hard or too weak.

How to improve your handwriting - Exercises

There are special trainings that will improve the quality of their calligraphy, here they are:

  1. A good effect is given by exercises on writing letters in the air. This will allow you to train the shoulder muscles involved in the letter.
  2. Whoever has the opportunity, should often write on a vertical plane, in particular, a blackboard. This is another exercise that will come in handy for those who want to know how to improve the handwriting of an adult.
  3. To combat the variability and irregularity of letters, shapes and intervals, you can, if you exercise regularly, covering a sheet of paper with circles and semicircles, chopsticks, all kinds of hooks and lines - both vertical and diagonal.

other methods

For the letter it is necessary to use the most various accessories and a paper, after all they in many respects determine its quality. It's enough to practice in the formulations, you can go on to write whole sentences. There are many pangram - sentences, in which all the letters of the alphabet are present. Rewriting them again and again, you can improve your calligraphy, for example, here is the sentence: "South Ethiopian rook took the mouse to the lizard congress for the trunk".

Those who ask how quickly to improve the handwriting can be recommended to look for examples of manuscripts of famous people or ask someone from their loved ones to write a couple of paragraphs of any text on a sheet of paper in good handwriting. By copying this style of writing, you can work out your new handwriting, which will be many times better than the previous one. The main thing is not to rush and train carefully and measuredly, trying to work on a variety of paper and various writing materials - gel and ballpoint pens, pencils and even a pen. Very useful to draw. All this will help "remember", as it was in school and correct the already existing style of writing for the better.