Cutting in the eyes - causes and treatment depending on the symptoms

Cutting in the eyes of the cause and treatment is different. As a rule, this symptom indicates trauma, but there are other factors that cause discomfort. To prevent possible complications, it is desirable to determine as soon as possible what provokes the thread and eliminate the irritant.

Causes in the eyes - causes

Unpleasant sensations - the first alarm bell, indicating problems with the visual organs. In fact, a similar symptom can be caused by a wide range of diseases and disorders - from simple fatigue to the development of serious pathologies that pose a real threat to health. To establish the same exact reason why the eyes are cut, only an ophthalmologist can do.

Cutting eyes and tearing

Such factors can be caused by factors that are not related to each other. The most common reasons for the appearance of carvings in the eye and lacrimation are:

  1. External factors. It often happens that tears and unpleasant sensations appear due to prolonged exposure to frost or wind. Symptoms are caused by a sharp change in temperature or exposure to the retina of too bright sun rays. This is because the brain tries to protect the visual apparatus from damage and for this purpose gives a signal to the tear ducts to narrow and allocate tears to lubricate the eyes.
  2. Allergic reaction. Rez in the eyes, the causes and treatment of which are associated with an external stimulus: pollen of plants, animal hair, dust. With allergies, a large number of tears are released, and this significantly worsens the patient's quality of life.
  3. Foreign body . Discomfortable sensations always appear, regardless of its size.
  4. Respiratory diseases. Rez in the eyes, the causes and treatment of it, in this case, are explained by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms onto the mucous membrane during coughing and sneezing.
  5. Overstrain. Any character: appeared as a result of reading, because of poor lighting. Often there is a thread in the eyes of the computer.
  6. Age changes.

Dryness and pain in the eyes

These symptoms often occur together. Why is it hard to see and dry in the eyes:

  1. Inflammatory processes. They can be caused by various pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergic stimuli.
  2. Demodecosis . The ailment develops due to microscopic ticks. Cutting pain in the eyes in this case occurs due to the lesion of the ciliated sacs.
  3. Viral diseases.
  4. Burns. Dryness and carvings appear with lesions of any origin.
  5. Incorrect operation of thyroid glands.
  6. Glaucoma .
  7. Corneal ulcer. This phenomenon is rare, but sometimes irritating symptoms appear just because of it.
  8. Use of substandard cosmetics.

Headache and pain in the eyes

These symptoms are characteristic of clustered cephalalgia. Attacks of the latter are usually associated with human biological rhythms. Often a headache and pain in the eyes occur in smokers. Promotes cephalacy and alcohol abuse. There are other reasons:

Cutting in the eyes in the morning

Common reasons for cutting eyes after sleep are:

It cuts the eyes after the lenses

It is very important to choose good lenses. Otherwise, you may experience severe pain in the eyes. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Hypoxia of the cornea. Low-quality lenses or too long wearing them do not let the right amount of oxygen into the tissue. Acute hypoxia sometimes develops into a chronic one, which leads to poor eyesight.
  2. Allergy. The reaction, as a rule, causes protein components from the lens surface or from a multipurpose solution.
  3. Dry eye syndrome. Develops against the background of irregularities in the lacrimal glands.
  4. Chemical damage. If you do not listen to the instructions, the lens solution can burn the cornea.
  5. Mechanical effect. Unsuitable lenses can irritate and injure the surface of the eye.

Cutting in the eyes - treatment

First you need to determine which has a thread in the eyes of the cause, and then choose the treatment. To do this, a specialist should conduct an examination, take a swab from the eye, examine the scraping from the eyelid surface, and assess the degree of tearing. Therapy is prescribed only after receiving all the results of the survey. This will help to choose the means that will be effective and in a short time will relieve the discomfort.

Eye drops from the eyes in the eyes

The most popular drops in the eyes of dryness and resists are:

  1. Natural tear. Are intended for moisturizing the mucosa. Operate up to one and a half hours. These drops are suitable for those patients who wear lenses.
  2. Lincontin. Help with dry eye syndrome. Effective with overvoltage. May be prescribed for prophylaxis.
  3. Diklo-F. Appointed with conjunctivitis non-infectious origin, after surgery.
  4. Taufon. These drops from ozi in the eyes are prescribed for violations of the synthesis of tear fluid.
  5. Vizomitin. They are popular because they relieve from unpleasant symptoms faster than many other means.
  6. Vidisik. Moisturises the conjunctiva.
  7. Opt. An accessible preparation that helps with insufficient production of tears, restores the cells of the cornea and prevents the penetration of pathogens into the eyes.
  8. Ottolik. Cheap drops from dry eyes.
  9. Voltaren-ofta. Lower the photosensitivity of the eyes, observed with inflammation and after operations.

Rez in the eyes - folk remedies

Alternative medicine with discomfort also helps, but the methods of treatment must necessarily be agreed with the attending physician. When the eyes are cut, what do folk healers offer?

  1. A simple and effective tool - cucumber lotions. Moisten a cotton swab in the juice and put on the eyes for 15 minutes. In addition to this remedy removes the thread, it helps to smooth wrinkles, eliminates swelling, irritation.
  2. Good drops are obtained from ground cumin and plantain leaves. Ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and brewed with boiling water.
  3. Favorably on the eye is the decoction based on algae fucus. These are sold in pharmacies. For ease of use, the liquid is recommended to be frozen. The resulting cubes should be wiped around the eyes.