Character of a person by signature

Euripides belongs to the phrase "Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are", but professionals and even amateurs of graphology are able to tell the person about his inner world, main qualities, character only by the signature of a person.

Definition of the character of a person by a signature: basic rules

  1. Length and size . A sweeping handwriting is characteristic of a person with global thinking. In the case where the letters touch each other in the signature, this indicates a specific mindset. A long signature is a sign that individuals are characterized by a detailed analysis of each difficulty that arises. The one who has a short signature understands everything from one moment.
  2. The size of the letters . Identify the character of the person by the signature will help the capital letter. So, if it is almost twice as high as the other lower-level ones, you know, such a person is self-confident and ambitious, organizational skills are not alien to him. When the title is small, the personality is not entirely self-confident and the option of low self-esteem is not excluded. If the letters after the title are merged and written with the same force of pressure on the paper, then this person is both mentally and physically fit, ready to work for a long time in a tense atmosphere. This characteristic is also supplemented by the fact that such a person is distinguished by logical thinking. If all elements of the signature consist of several zigzags, its owner is difficult to cope with stressful situations.
  3. The distance between the letters . Letters at a distance from each other - a man generous. The more economic the personality, the denser the letters are to each other. Small letters speak of stinginess.
  4. Underlining . If the signature is crossed out, then the person is not sure of himself. Underlining from above is the desire to achieve peace of mind. Underlining from below is touchiness, self-esteem.