How to relieve fatigue?

The modern way of life of the average person is such that the feeling of fatigue all the time is nearby. Monotonous work at the computer or with documents, a constant sitting in the office or running around the whole day - the monotony of actions and gives rise to a feeling of exhaustion and fatigue. What to do? However strange it may sound, the best way to combat fatigue is to change activity, and not lying on the couch after a day's work. No wonder the school introduced changes, during which children restore their strength and, as a result, do not get tired.

How quickly to remove fatigue?

If you do not know how quickly to remove fatigue, drink half a glass of hot water. Dehydration of the body contributes to a feeling of fatigue and for the restoration of the water balance, pleasant warm water, quickly absorbed, escapes adrenaline and activates the metabolic processes. A few simple physical exercises will refresh the head and add vivacity, and washing with cool water or frequent blinking will restore the moisture of the surface of the eyes after a long work at the computer. Alternate touches of the right knee with the left elbow and vice versa within a half minutes will improve the work of both hemispheres of the brain, but it is important that the back is straight, and the breathing is smooth and calm. Fatigue is easy to remove, squeeze and unclench your fingers several times, and then shake with a relaxed brush.

In order not to get tired, change activities. As in the case of stress, when a change in the situation is required, and in work, you must be able to switch, and then the chronic fatigue syndrome will bypass you, and colleagues will be surprised at your blossoming appearance and always a good mood.