Temperature with cystitis

Every woman who suffers from inflammation of the bladder may have a question, but is there a temperature in cystitis? Cystitis is an inflammatory process that starts when microorganisms enter the bladder, which normally should not be present in it. Viral and bacterial infections usually lead to an increase in body temperature, so it would be logical to assume that, with cystitis, it should also rise.

The mechanism of increasing body temperature is the ingress of the decomposition products of pathogenic microorganisms into the bloodstream, which causes a thermal reaction. But the fact is that the bladder's mucosa is not capable of absorbing toxins, so getting them into the blood from the bladder is excluded. Therefore, it is believed that an inflammatory process that occurs directly in the bladder can cause an increase in temperature with cystitis only to subfebrile values. Thus, the temperature of 37-37.5 Celsius with cystitis is a variant of the norm.

High temperature with cystitis

If during the disease the thermometer readings rise above 37.5, this may indicate that the inflammation is progressing. At a temperature of 38 with cystitis, overall health worsens, an ache in the body, pain in the lower back. In this case, it can be suspected that the infection from the bladder has spread higher, through the ureters into the kidneys or kidney pelvis. And this means the development of pyelonephritis .

If there are no signs of inflammation of the kidneys, and the temperature continues to be high, we can talk about the presence of a concomitant infection. Cystitis in women is rarely an independent disease. Usually it is secondary in nature with the development of infection in the female genital organs - vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis and other gynecological pathologies. In this case, along with treatment at the urologist, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist for the purpose of therapy of the underlying disease. To treat cystitis without eliminating its cause is a senseless exercise, so inflammation will pass into a chronic form and will pester relapses at every opportunity.