Eczema on the hands - causes, symptoms and effective treatment of the disease

One of the most common dermatological pathologies is chronic recurrent inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin. Eczema can affect any part of the body, but is more common on the hands. For the disease is characterized by a persistent current, so therapy should be comprehensive and selected individually.

Eczema on the hands - causes

Most doctors refer the presented disease to an idiopathic group (of unknown origin). Some experts point to a number of factors against which eczema arises on the hands, the reasons can be as follows:

Eczema on the hands sometimes progresses as a secondary disease that develops as a result of such causes:

Eczema on the hands - symptoms

The clinical picture of the inflammatory process is specific, it is difficult to confuse with other dermatological diseases. How eczema looks on the hands depends on 2 factors:

  1. Type of disease. If the pathology was triggered by an infection, the spots that are characteristic for it will be present on the skin, the secretions.
  2. Severity of inflammation. In the process of development of eczema passes several stages. At each stage on the hands defects are formed of different shapes and structures.

Eczema - Species

There are many types of described pathology, but only the following forms are diagnosed on the upper limbs:

  1. Idiopathic (true). This type of disease is divided into 2 subgroups. The first, acute - moknushchaya eczema on the hands. First, red itchy spots appear on the skin, which are covered with small blisters (microvesicles). They are opened, forming on the damaged epidermis the wetting areas ("serous wells"). Gradually the liquid evaporates, and dense crusts of gray-yellow color are formed in its place - dry eczema on the hands (second, chronic subtype). The skin itches and flakes, becomes covered with pigment spots. The disease recurs and spreads to healthy neighboring areas.
  2. Infectious. This form of pathology develops in places where the skin is infected with fungus or microbes. The visual signs are identical to idiopathic eczema, the distinctive feature is the intolerable itching and the presence of pus in the lesions, a rapid spread to neighboring areas.
  3. Allergic. This eczema on the hands is also called atopic dermatitis. Its symptoms are red, flaky spots, severe itching and dry skin. This type of disease occurs due to immunity reactions to any stimuli, so it often recurs in contact with allergens. The allergic group includes professional skin inflammation.
  4. Dyshidrotic eczema of the hands is first localized on the palms. Because of the thickened layer of the skin, the early clinical picture is less pronounced. Microvesicles quickly burst, turning into dense serous-purulent crusts. Without timely therapy, pathology passes to the external surface of the hands and can be transformed into an idiopathic appearance.

Stages of eczema

In the process of progression, the disease passes through 4 stages with specific signs:

  1. Erythematous - early eczema on the hands, the initial stage is characterized by reddening of the skin in several places and the appearance of itching.
  2. Papulovezikulezny - in the affected areas appear a scattering of small bubbles with serous fluid.
  3. Wetting - blisters burst, "serous wells" are formed. At this stage, eczema is usually diagnosed on the hands, the photo shows that the clinical picture is very specific.
  4. Cortical. Serous fluid dries up, evaporates. In place of the "wells" yellow-gray dry crusts form. In other areas, new redness appears.

Eczema on the hands - what to treat?

Before the appointment of therapy, a thorough diagnosis is performed to find out the causes of inflammation. Treatment of eczema on the hands should be comprehensive, include systemic and local effects. General measures of therapy:

Tablets from eczema

The systemic effect depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and its causes. Upon the appointment of a doctor, eczema on the hands is treated with the following drugs:

Many of the listed medicines cause negative side effects, are poorly tolerated. For this reason, most dermatologist patients are interested in whether and how to cure eczema on the hands forever. While medicine is powerless before this disease. Inflammatory processes have a chronic course and constantly recur. It is realistic only to control and alleviate the exacerbations of pathology.

Ointment from eczema

External therapy is effective in combination with systemic treatment or in the early stages of the disease. Rapid improvement in the condition provides a corticosteroid ointment from eczema on the hands:

After relieving the exacerbation, non-hormonal medicine for eczema can be used:

Cream for eczema on hands

Such a pharmacological form of local remedies contains less fat and is absorbed more quickly. It is more convenient if the eczema progresses on both hands. Creams are also divided into 2 main groups. Hormonal preparations:

Healing eczema on the fingers, palms or hands can be treated with the following creams:

Folk Remedies for Eczema

Alternative methods should be included in the complex therapy, without medicines they are ineffective.

Simple ways how to cure eczema on the hands:

  1. Daily grease the crusts or soaking "wells" with oil of black cumin.
  2. Treat affected areas with a clean solidol, hold for 10 minutes, washing away with tar soap.
  3. Apply to the skin of hunter's or pine oil.

Hand baths for eczema:

  1. Dilute the mustard powder with boiling water to a semi-liquid sour cream. In a tolerably hot mixture, lower hands for 15 minutes.
  2. In 3 liters of hot water, dissolve 5 tbsp. spoon of sea salt. Hold hands or brushes in the bath for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Add in a bucket of hot water 1 tbsp. spoon Creolina. Put your hands there for 15 minutes, do not rinse after the procedure. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Diet with eczema on the hands

The diet should include B vitamins and trace elements. It is important to limit or eliminate the use of products that can cause allergies, eczema of hands often recurs in its background.

Recommended food:
