How to choose a glucometer?

After diagnosing diabetes, it becomes necessary to purchase a portable glucometer for regular monitoring of blood sugar levels at home. The choice of this device must be taken with all seriousness. About which glucometer is best to choose, as well as how to choose a good, high-quality and accurate device that will last a long time.

Types of glucometers

To date, a large number of different types of glucometers are available for sale, differing in some characteristics. The main classification of these devices is based on a method of measurement, depending on which glucometers are divided into two groups:

  1. Photometric glucometers. The principle of their action is based on the determination of the color of the test zone, which arises from the reaction of blood glucose with special coloring substances. These glucometers are referred to as "first generation" devices with outdated technology, which are more voluminous and require very careful handling.
  2. Electrochemical glucometers. Based on a more modern technology, which consists in measuring the amount of current generated during the reaction of blood glucose with special substances in the test strip. This method allows to minimize the influence of external factors on the result and to obtain more accurate indications.

Recommendations for the choice of glucometers

Here are the main points that should be taken into consideration when buying a glucometer.

Easy operation

The device used at home should be easy to operate. Complex control affects the speed of the testing process.

Convenience and reliability

Important characteristics are the compactness, size and strength of the device, the size of the display, etc. Especially it should be taken into account by people who frequently travel, who have to measure glucose levels under different conditions.

Measurement error

The results of blood glucose measurements on different instruments differ. As practice shows, the most accurate are import glucometers, manufactured by leading manufacturers of medical equipment.

The volume of blood taken

An important indicator is the amount of blood needed to conduct a blood test. Many patients with diabetes mellitus have to measure glucose several times a day. The lowest indicator for today is the indicator of 0.3 μl, which corresponds to a small droplet, which requires a minimum puncture depth (therefore the process is practically painless, the wound heals quickly).

Speed ​​of analysis

This indicator is more important for people leading an active lifestyle. Today there are devices that show the result after 5 to 10 seconds. It should be noted that the speed of measurement does not affect the accuracy.

Type and encoding of test strips

It is worth remembering that different test strips are supplied to each meter. Therefore, it is better to choose the device to which to buy test strips will not be difficult. In addition, each lot of test strips has its own code, which is set manually or automatically determined by the device.

Additional functions

For many important is the availability of additional features of the device: communication with the computer, recording of measurement results, maintaining statistics, sound reminders, etc.

How to choose a glucometer for the elderly?

When choosing a device for an elderly person, the following should be considered:

  1. If there are problems with vision, you need to choose a model with a large screen or with the ability to voice the results.
  2. For elderly people it is more convenient to use devices with auto-coding.
  3. The rigidity and size of test strips are important, especially if a person has limitations in manipulating and taking small objects.