How many calories are in rice?

Rice is one of the most popular products on our table. It is easy to prepare a dietary, and at the same time very nutritious product. Scientists have long proven the benefits of rice and found that this crop is the best natural remedy in the world for removing toxins and toxins from the body.

Composition of rice

Rice groats are considered to be a strong natural energy, it contains more than 70% carbohydrates . Also in large quantities in the rice are B vitamins, thanks to which the protective functions of the body are improved. Vitamin PP, which is also included in the composition of cereals, significantly reduces the level of cholesterol. Of the minerals, potassium prevails in rice, thanks to which the water-salt balance comes to normal. Also, potassium stimulates the proper operation of the heart and helps to remove excess fluid from the body. The composition of this cereal contains other equally important elements, such as copper, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iodine. And here, how many calories in rice, depends on its kind.

How many calories are in brown rice?

This is the most popular type of rice for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and try to eat right. After all, this rice retains the shell, and it contains the largest share of useful trace elements, for example, magnesium and manganese, which are involved in the synthesis of fatty acids.

100 grams of brown rice account for 331 kcal.

The nutritional value:

How many calories are in steamed rice?

Steamed rice is used in dietary nutrition. In its composition it contains thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, vitamin E, calcium, potassium and many other various vitamins and minerals. The use of this type of grain normalizes the water-salt balance of the body, improves the work of the kidneys, restores the correct metabolism, which leads to a decrease in body weight. 100 grams of steamed rice accounts for 341 kcal.

The nutritional value:

How many calories are in white rice?

White rice is a grain past grinding, as a result of which, rice lost most of the nutrients. However, white rice invariably remains the most popular product among people all over the world. It is easy to prepare, well stored and, unlike brown and steamed, is inexpensive. In the composition of such rice, there are still important for human microelements, for example, potassium, iodine, iron, B vitamins, etc.

The calorie of this rice in 100 grams is 344 kcal.

The nutritional value:

Useful properties of rice

The benefit of rice is simply irreplaceable for people who have various diseases of the esophagus, for example ulcers or gastritis . Substances that are part of this cereal, envelop the walls of the stomach, which helps prevent the development of these diseases, and sometimes complete cure. A decoction of this cereal is considered very healing. If regularly, every day to drink a glass of this liquid on an empty stomach before breakfast and dinner, you can normalize the work of the intestine. This decoction is considered an indispensable tool in the treatment of diarrhea, and also effectively cleanses and discharges the body.

Besides everything, this all beloved croup, removes salt from the body, and it, as is known, detains excess fluid. Therefore rice is also a wonderful dietary product for those who want to lose weight. Calories of rice are small, in its composition a little fiber, so it is very easily digested and absorbed by the body, however, it is not worth using this product.