Glycerin for feet

Glycerin is often used as a component of various home remedies for the feet, where the skin coarsens more often.

Foot baths with glycerin

Baths are not so much curative, as a preventive tool that helps to soften the skin, prevent the formation of coarsened areas or promote their softening before mechanical removal:

  1. In warm water, add glycerin (2-3 tablespoons) and immerse your feet for 15 minutes. After such a bath, the coarse layer of skin is much easier to remove with pumice .
  2. In the broth of chamomile, add glycerin (1-2 tablespoons) and up to 5 drops of cedar essential oil. The duration of the bath is the same as in the previous case. Such a bath is used to prevent the onset of corns.

Mask for feet with glycerin and vinegar



Vinegar and glycerin are thoroughly mixed, after which the composition is applied to the heels or to the feet (in the presence of corns). The feet are wrapped in cellophane and put on socks. This mask is good for softening hardened areas and removing dead skin layers, but to achieve the desired effect it should be applied for at least 3-4 hours, it is possible at night. The mask is applied to pre-steamed and peeled legs.

Mask for feet with glycerin and ammonia


Preparation and use

The components of the mask are mixed and applied a thin layer on the keratinized and damaged areas of the skin at night. The mask has not only softening, but also anti-inflammatory action, it helps to accelerate the healing of microcracks. However, in the presence of deep cracks, it is not recommended to use it, since it will be strongly burned due to the content of alcohol and ammonia.

Mask for feet with glycerine and herbs


Preparation and use

Herbs are mixed, poured with boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. The ready-made broth is filtered, mixed with glycerin and rubbed into the legs before going to bed, after which you must put cotton socks on top. In the morning it is recommended to rinse the feet with warm water.