Ointment in the nose for cold prevention

With the advent of colds, many begin to recall frantically the name of the ointment for the prevention of colds. Since Soviet times she has been lubricated by the noses of adults and children with full confidence that the flu and ARI are now not terrible. Have you guessed that it's about Oxolin Ointment? This ointment in the nose is suitable for the prevention of colds and viral infections, but is this a good way, how are we used to think about it? To date, there are more reliable analogues.

Choose an ointment for the prevention of flu and colds

Ointment for the prevention of colds works by creating a zone of local immunity. This means that if we smear the nose, then this way the virus does not get into the body. But we can still get infected if we drink a sick person from the dishes, or we breathe in the infection through the mouth. That is why the funds of this type are recognized as ineffective throughout the world. Only in the expanses of the former CIS people continue to feed the body with excess chemistry, the benefits of which have not been confirmed.

Oksolinovaya ointment is suitable for the prevention of colds due to the strong antiviral properties of its main active substance - naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron. There are other drugs containing this component:

All these funds are supposed to be used in the same way: for the prevention of viral infections, an ointment with a concentration of 0.25 g on the nasal mucosa should be applied. Through the mucous drug is absorbed into the blood by 20%, everything else creates a physical barrier for the germs in the nose. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day for a month. The medicine is excreted from the body by the kidneys. Contraindications include individual sensitivity, kidney failure and pregnancy.

Reasonable alternative

There are preventive measures against viral and bacterial infections, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by clinical studies. These are mainly ointments and preparations for oral use:

The last two drugs deserve special attention - they demonstrate a persistent systemic effect, which can be compared with vaccination. Efficiency increases with each new day of taking the remedy, gradually increasing the resistance of the body to infections. Good immunity in fighting viruses is the key to success!