Beet juice is good and bad

Beet juice is both a friend and an enemy at the same time. Like any medicine, it can be a panacea in certain dosages, but also a poison, if its volume is increased.

In our culture, beets are used to culinary uses - it is an important ingredient in national dishes and savory snacks. But many also know that beet root is very useful, and that's why it should be regularly included in your diet. Experts of folk medicine who bring the elements of tradition to modern life know that beet, in addition to gastronomic purposes, can be successfully used for the treatment of diseases, but as the substances that make up its composition actively influence the body, beet as a medicine has certain contra-indications.

Treatment of beet juice was known to ancient people: in particular, the Babylonians and inhabitants of the Mediterranean actively used its medicinal properties in practice.

What is useful for beet juice?

The secret of the use of beet juice is contained in its special composition. Freshly squeezed juice is like a real vitamin complex, which is rich in B vitamins, and also with PP and C vitamins that support immunity and strengthen the nervous system.

Also in beetroot juice there is a large amount of iron needed for hematopoiesis. Along with iron in the juice there are potassium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, which help to purify the body of toxins and support the heart muscle.

Also in beet juice contain zinc and phosphorus, which are necessary for the prevention of rickets.

So, beet juice is useful for:

Beetroot juice - contraindications

Beet juice can be harmful if used with the following diseases:

How to take beetroot juice in a cold?

To get rid of the cold with the help of beet juice, you need to peel the root, trying to cut the peel as thin as possible, since it contains the bulk of the vitamin, and then rinse and grate.

Then put the grated mass on a clean cotton napkin or a sterile piece of gauze, folded several times, wrap the contents and squeeze the juice.

Beet juice from the common cold is used 3 times a day, digging 2 drops into each nostril. If the juice burns, you can dilute with water 1: 1.

How to take beetroot juice with constipation?

Taking beet juice in its pure form is not recommended at first. It is more expedient to make a smooth transition with the help of carrot juice: in the beginning make a mixture of beetroot and carrot juice in proportion 1:10 (a smaller part is beet juice), and then gradually increase the content of beet juice daily. If you immediately drink freshly squeezed beet juice, the reaction can be very unfavorable.

It is also very important - do not drink beet juice immediately after spinning. He must stand for 2 hours to complete the necessary reactions that will destroy unnecessary compounds for the body.

The volume in which you drink juice is 50 g. You should not drink large doses, because this will lead to exacerbations of existing diseases.