Folk remedies for mosquito bites

The bite of such a tiny insect, like a mosquito, can bring a lot of trouble to a person. It is worth noting that the bloodsuckers are only female mosquitoes, which need to lay eggs for blood protein. Males are quite harmless creatures, because they eat nectar flowers.

At the time of the bite, the female mosquito pierces the skin with its proboscis and injects into it saliva containing anticoagulants that interfere with blood clotting. The human body regards these substances as allergens, because the place of the bite turns red and itches. Today, we will look at how to reduce itching using folk remedies against mosquito bites, and what precautions should be taken if you become a victim of small bloodsuckers.

First aid for mosquito bites

First of all, the place of bite should be thoroughly washed using soap to avoid the risk of penetration of microbes and dirt under the skin. Allergy sufferers need to take an antihistamine, such as Suprastin or Tavegil.

Even after that, you can apply lotions from mosquito bites according to folk recipes, which will be discussed below.

Alcohol tinctures

It is good to eliminate the itching in the mosquito bite area based on alcohol, namely:

The best is help from mosquito bites tincture of calendula. If none of these drugs is found in the medicine cabinet, the reddened area of ​​the skin can be smeared with balsam "Zvezdochka" or its own saliva.

Medicinal Herbs

  1. Ruta fragrant - is applied in the form of gruel or juice from pounded leaves for a compress. Helps also with the bite of wasps and bees.
  2. Veronica officinalis - used in the form of a strong broth, from which make a lotion. Effective when bitten by poisonous insects and spiders.
  3. Dandelion - from the freshly squeezed plant squeezed out the juice and smear them with a wound. On top of the bandage, which is changed every three hours.
  4. Plantain - fresh leaf rubbed in the palms and pasted to the place of bite.

Home remedies

Effectively to the site of the bite, apply the onion with a fresh cut to the skin - onion juice will disinfect the wound and eliminate the itching. Likewise, garlic acts - several teeth should be crushed into a gruel, diluted with water (2 tsp). In the resulting product, a bandage is wetted and applied to the wound.

Helps from mosquito bites and vinegar - it is dipped in a clean cloth or gauze and apply a compress to the reddened place for half an hour.

Another effective home remedy for itching is toothpaste (not gel!).

Soda from mosquito bites

  1. Baking soda - the best assistant in the fight against discomfort after a mosquito bite. It is used in several ways.
  2. Soda cake - to 1 tablespoon of the substance add a little water to form a thick gruel. From the received weight form a flat cake and put it to an itchy site. A wet cloth is applied from above. In three hours they change the cake.
  3. Soda lotion - in a bowl pour a little soda, dunk a wet bandage into it and wipe the wound. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

Soda is completely harmless. It removes redness and inflammation, the place of the bite quickly heals and there are no traces left after it. This method is especially suitable for the treatment of mosquito bites in young children.

Other ways to treat bites

Immediately after biting the insect on a sore spot, effectively put ice or something cold.

If mosquito bites are many, painful sensations will remove a cool bath with the addition of sea salt, lavender oil or tea tree.

Attention! If the place of the bite quickly swells, which is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the state of health (dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing), you should call a doctor. These symptoms are usually characterized by the bites of malarial mosquitoes, which are the carriers of dangerous infections.