Riddles about spring for schoolchildren

Riddles for the child - this is an opportunity to have an excellent and fun time. But they also stimulate mental activity and promote development. Children's riddles about the spring will help fascinating and interesting to introduce children to this time of the year, the phenomena of nature and the features characteristic of the season. Thus, students and even pre-school children, in the form of games learn a lot of new, supplement their vocabulary.

Spring puzzles for children: 1-2 class

Tasks should vary in complexity, depending on the age of the students. With the smallest, you can thus fix the correct sequence of months. For example, you can offer the following tasks to junior students:

To the warmth and the sun everyone is happy

After all, there comes a month ... (March)


The merry drops ring

Hence, it has already come ... (April)


Do not sleep, sow all the fields

After all, there comes a month ... (May)


Is the spring a decent start

It's called just a month ... (March)


Mishka got out of the den

Dirt and puddles on the road.

The throat of a trill is heard,

So, he came to us ... (April)


Green garden covered

The green lashes over the edge,

Birds sing songs,

It's all about the month ... (May)

In addition, you should remember with the kids about the birds, which the guys can see on the streets. These tasks can be accompanied by displaying pictures or presentations.

A welcome guest from far away

He returned home, singing about the spring.

Very clever fellow,

And his name is ... (starling)


Together with this black bird

To us, the spring is racing along the field.

The field, the field - a doctor.

Who on the plowland jumps? (rook)


In the blue sky a voice,

It's like a tiny bell. (lark)


Who without notes and without flute

Is he the best at trilling?

Golosistej and is more gentle?

Well, of course ... (nightingale)

Also, puzzles on the topic of spring weather will come up, so that the children could remember what natural phenomena are happening at this time.

She comes with a caress

And with his fairy tale.

With a magic wand,

In the forest, the snowdrop will blossom. (Spring)


The snow melts, the meadow revives.

The day arrives.

When does this happen? (Spring)


Friable snow in the sun melts,

The breeze plays in the branches,

Bellow voices,

So, it came to us ... (spring)

For pupils of grades 1-2, short riddles about the spring, which rhyme well, are easily remembered. Well, if the students remember them and tell their friends or relatives. Such exercises train memory and thinking.

Mysteries about the spring for senior schoolchildren

For older children, you can offer longer poems. They will think through words, comprehend them, analyze and find the right answer. Let the guys confer with each other, share their opinions. This will help develop communication skills and the ability to work in a team.

Green eyes, cheerful,

The beautiful maiden.

As a gift, she brought us

What everyone will like.

The greens - to the leaves, to us - the heat,

Magic, that everything bloomed.

She was followed by birds -

Songs to sing all the masters.

Guess who she is?

This girl is ... (spring)


The sun warms,

The ice on the river cracked.

The river whined,

Refreshing ice floes.

How is this phenomenon

In the spring they call it? (ice drift)


Rustle of inaudible petals

Pearls of snow white blossomed.

Fresh tender tiny flower

From under the snow to the sun rushed. (snowdrop)


The baby is running in the bunnies,

You hear his footsteps.

He runs, and everything blooms,

He laughs - he sings everything.

Hid happiness in the petals

At the lilac on the bushes.

"My dear lily, smell sweet!"

- ordered cheerful ... (May)

You can invite the children, so that everyone independently composed the spring quatrains, and then let the students think of each other. Such tasks develop creative abilities.

It is also desirable that such games become part of family leisure and recreation with friends. Parents can independently choose their favorite assignments and organize an interesting event for their child and his friends.