Extrasystole - symptoms

Extrasystolia is a violation of the heart rhythm, which is associated with the appearance of single or paired premature contractions of the heart (extrasystoles) caused by myocardial agitation for various reasons. This is the most common type of heart rhythm disturbance ( arrhythmia ), which is found in 60-70% of people.

Classification of extrasystole

Depending on the localization of the formation of ectopic foci of excitement, the following forms of pathology are distinguished:

Depending on the frequency of appearance, extrasystoles are distinguished:

The frequency of occurrence of extrasystoles distinguish extrasystole:

The etiological factor is:

  1. Functional extrasystoles - rhythm disorders in healthy people caused by taking alcohol, drugs, smoking, drinking strong tea or coffee, as well as various vegetative reactions, emotional stress, stressful situations.
  2. Extrasystoles of an organic nature - arise from myocardial damage: coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, myocarditis, myocardial damage in cardiac operations, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis, etc.
  3. Toxic extrasystoles occur in feverish conditions, thyrotoxicosis, as a side effect after taking certain medications (caffeine, ephedrine, novorrin, antidepressants, glucocorticoids, diuretics, etc.).

Symptoms of heart extrasystole

In some cases, especially with the organic origin of extrasystoles, there are no clinical signs of extrasystole. But nevertheless it is possible to reveal a number of manifestations of this pathology. Most often, patients make the following complaints:

The appearance of such symptoms is characteristic for functional extrasystole:

Ventricular extrasystole can manifest itself with such symptoms and signs:

Symptoms of supraventricular extrasystole are the same, however, as a rule, this form of pathology is somewhat more easily ventricular.

ECG signs of extrasystole

The main method of diagnosis of extrasystole is cardiac electrocardiography (ECG). Common feature of any form extrasystole is the early excitation of the heart - a shortening of the interval of the main rhythm of RR on the electrocardiogram.

Holter ECG monitoring can also be performed - a diagnostic procedure in which the patient wears a portable ECG device for 24 hours. At the same time, a diary is kept, in which all the patient's main actions (lifting, meals, physical and mental loads, emotional changes, deterioration of well-being, retirement, night awakenings) are recorded in time. In the subsequent reconciliation of ECG and diary data, unstable cardiac arrhythmias (associated with stress, physical activity, etc.) can be detected.