Reading Technique 1 class - standards

Now many children go to school, already being able to read. And only a few learn this in 1st grade. Nevertheless, in the first half of the first academic year, an initial test of the reading technique takes place. Let's first understand this concept. Under the technique of reading, parents most often understand the number of words a child reads (pronounces) in 1 minute. But this is only one component. Teacher still pays attention to the correctness of reading words, expressiveness (observance of punctuation marks), the degree of understanding of the read text. With the course of the school year, children learn to read better, respectively, should gradually increase the reading technique of each child


There are certain, approved standards of reading technique in the 1st grade.

The standards of reading technology in the 1st class:

We emphasize that these are guidelines for the GEF reading technique.

In the first grade, assessments are not made. But if you are interested in evaluating the result of your child, you can do this as follows:

Let me remind you once again that the number of words read is not the only indicator of the technique of reading. The teacher will also pay attention to the correctness of the pronunciation of words / errors, the student reads simple words in whole or in syllables, whether pauses are made at the end of the sentence, whether punctuation marks out intonation.

Checking the reading technique at home

If you want to check the compliance of your child's reading technique with the norms during all the following classes of primary school at home, choose texts suitable for age. For a first-grader, this should be simple texts with short sentences, short words. After reading the text, ask them to tell the child about what they read. If necessary, ask leading questions.

Parents who care about the success of their children in school, think about how to help a child read according to the norm of reading techniques in the first grade.

It is necessary to understand that speed is only one of the parameters that characterizes reading. No less important: the ability to understand what has been read, the ability to expressively read aloud, the ability to read to oneself. Therefore, we need to develop everything in the aggregate.

In order to learn to read well, it is necessary for the child to love reading and books. Here are a few tips on how to contribute to this:

  1. Read the children out loud. With older children fun and useful to read by roles, especially if the book is addictive.
  2. Buy quality books, according to age. The task of the parent is to pay attention not only to the content (although this is also, without doubt, important), but also to the design. The younger the child, the greater the number of illustrations, the larger the letters.
  3. Offer books in accordance with the interests of the child. If a neighbor told me that her son really enjoyed reading Carlson, and your child is not interested and would like to read more about cars, give in. Let him read what interests him. You want him to love reading, not vice versa? Also, note that at a time when the child is still learning to read, it is difficult to master large texts. Therefore, interesting books are needed, where there are many pictures, less text. For example, comics. Or children's encyclopedias - the main text of the encyclopedia is still difficult to read, but the child can view the pictures, reading the signatures to them.

Children learn a lot from their parents. If adults read in the family, the children also get used to the fact that books are human friends. Read it yourself!