Early Child Development

Age from 1 to 3 years, or early childhood, this is what this stage is called in the life of a baby, these are the first victories and sorrows, bright emotions, a lot of new impressions and discoveries. At the same time, this period is extremely difficult for the child and his parents, as the crumb intensively grows and develops and every new month opens new horizons for him, while mums and dads have to constantly adapt to the changing needs and opportunities of their children .

Comprehensive earlier development of the child is due to age characteristics and the influence of the environment, it is a natural process and a great opportunity to lay the best in the future personality.

Features of the development of young children

Consciousness of a one-year-old child - already "not a clean sheet" on it you will not write what you want, although the kid is not yet aware of himself as a person, but he has his own desires, needs, genetically laid down and formed in the process of growing up traits of character. This must be taken into account when dealing with the upbringing of crumbs. Perhaps, therefore, the most effective teaching methods are those in which love and respect for a little man are taken as the main principle. And also those that take into account the developmental features of young children, in particular such as:

The main components of the development of young children

By the age of three, babies make a big leap in their mental and physical development. They learn to walk, talk, their brains, like a sponge absorbs any information they receive, besides, the emotional sphere of the carapaces is perfected and enriched. It is important to understand that the physical, mental, emotional development of young children, just like cognitive, mental and speech, are all complementary and mutually flowing processes.

Initially, one should not underestimate the role of constantly improving physical abilities that allow a child to explore and cognize the world around him. Learning to crawl, and then walk, the kids establish a cause-effect relationship, develop an understanding of speech, so it becomes much easier for adults to influence them.

Mastering their native language, the kids make up for the need for communication, satisfy the thirst for new knowledge and impressions, which accordingly reflects on their mental and emotional development. In turn, emotions affect mental development - crumbs begin to fantasize, get acquainted with role-playing games, acquire imaginary friends. By the way, so-called virtual friends who appear closer to three years are considered to be absolutely normal for this and the older age group. They share resentment and joy, make up the company in the game, when the parents are busy with their own affairs.

Social features of the child's personality begin to form in the second year of life, and by the end of the third, the so-called crisis period is coming . Despite the fact that the kid has already largely succeeded, his vocabulary has increased, the activity has become complex and varied, the behavior leaves much to be desired. This is due to the fact that at this stage there is an active development of the personality of a child of an early age, so stubbornness, negativism, obstinacy appear at every step.