Acetone in a child - what to do?

Along with antipyretic drugs and antihistamines, a special test strip for acetone should be stored in the infant health pack. For what they need are well-known parents who have ever faced such a phenomenon as an acetone crisis, or acetone in a child.

Specific smell, weakness, headache, fever and vomiting are characteristic symptoms, which indicate that the level of ketone bodies in the blood is exceeded and the baby needs urgent medical help.

What is dangerous acetone in children, what are the reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment, we will try to answer these and other questions of concern to parents in this article.

Acetone in children - causes and treatment

The main cause of acetone syndrome is considered to be inaccuracies in nutrition, but more precisely that excessive consumption of fatty or poor-quality food, overeating or infection. However, the crisis may result from more dangerous diseases ( diabetes, swelling or brain concussion, liver damage, thyrotoxicosis ).

If an increased acetone is detected in a child, treatment should be started immediately, as ketone bodies cause irreparable harm to the child's organism, lead to general intoxication and dehydration.

As a rule, first of all, when acetone is detected in a child, the treatment is reduced to removing it from the body and restoring the water-salt balance. To do this, take the following measures:

A separate question is what to do if the acetone in a child does not decrease after the measures taken and the baby's condition does not improve. In such situations, the children are hospitalized and injected with sodium chloride solution and glucose intravenously. Also in a hospital, the crumb will complete a survey to establish the exact cause of the acetone crisis.